ISSN 1842-3183


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□ Volume No. 2,  2007










New edition 2009


Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems – ICMaS

Published by Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 1842-3183

Volume No. 2,  2007

“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Machine and Manufacturing Systems Department

Bucharest, Romania, 22 November, 2007


pp. 203-206


The selected decision determinants of the full postponement strategy in Polish manufacturing companies.

An exploratory survey



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 Abstract: The postponement strategy has been discussed in literature for over five decades. However, the intensity of studies and conducted research on this issue has risen dramatically over last 10 years. The postponement concept can be perceived as one of a supply chain strategy for a product customization.    The paper depicts the results of a primary survey conducted among companies in Poland. The objective of the research was to explore and describe the product-related variables of crucial importance connected to the postponement strategies (specifically to the full postponement) in Polish firms. The results of the research will be then used for a further extended survey dealing with the conditions and factors which determine employing the different postponement strategies in the supply chains in Poland.


Key words: postponement strategies, full postponement, product-related decision determinants.



Ph.D., Artur śWIERCZEK, Assistant Professor, The College of Labour Safety Management in Katowice, Department of Management and Applied Psychology in Business,



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