ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067-9238 |
□ Volume 13, Issue 1, 2018
· Veronika IVANOVA,
Zlatoliliya ILCHEVA, Dichko BACHVAROV, Ani BONEVA, Nesim BARUH, · Dan PRODAN,
George CONSTANTIN, Anca BUCUREȘTEANU, Adjustment of the main kinematic chains of heavy vertical lathes · Andrei
Mariana ROTARIU, Thermal model of externally driven spindle: a semi-automatic construction of thermal network · Christos DRAKOS,
George-Christopher VOSNIAKOS, Analysis of cutting forces in end milling of multi-layered functionally graded metal material · Mihai BOLDA, Cristina PUPĂZĂ, Dynamic
simulation of industrial robots behaviour using integrated software
procedures Control system and sofware package
for an experimental module for robots applied in laparoscopyc surgery Veronika IVANOVA1,*, Zlatoliliya ILCHEVA2,
Dichko BACHVAROV3, Ani BONEVA4, Nesim BARUH5 1, *) Assist. Prof., PhD Student, Department of Robotized
executive mechanisms and Intelligent Systems, Institute of Robotics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia, Bulgaria 2) Assoc. Prof.. PhD, Department of
Communication Systems and Services, Institute of Information and
Communication Technologies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 3) Mag. Math.,
Department of Communication Systems and Services, Institute of Information
and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Bulgaria 4) Assist. Eng., Department of Communication Systems and Services,
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 5) Eng., SD "ЕLL – Danev, Bozhilov &", Sliven,
Bulgaria Abstract: The
main target of everyone engineering work associated with minimally-invasive surgery
is to provide adequate tool-tissue force information to the surgeons so that
they can regain the "sense of touch" that has been lost through
laparoscopic surgery. In contrast to daVinchi robots by Intuitive Surgical
Incorporation which instruments are designed for manipulation and video
observation our institute developed family tools with additional functions.
Therefore, two main problems were solved: i) an original construction of an
adequate experimental module for robots was designed and produced, in which
two force sensors was incorporated to provide tool-tissue information (some
of which were described and discussed in a previous work), and ii) hardware
and program resources for control and monitoring of this module were
achieved, this being the object of this work. The computer program includes
information about various measurements of the tip tool-contact surface
interactions and data obtained from the experimental module that is used to
find the difference between data from previous measurement and information
received in real time. Another signification advantage of the proposed
program solution is the graphical visualization of the measurements and
comparison of the results. Therefore, the surgeon can give the adequate
command to force interaction between the instrument and tissue. For verification of the functionality and
working capacity of the experimental module with force feedback capabilities
of robots, different experiments with the designed control system were
conducted. Key words: control,
robots, user-friendly software, program resources, force sensors,
laparoscopic surgery, minimally-invasive surgery. Adjustment of the main kinematic
chains of heavy vertical lathes Dan PRODAN1,*, George CONSTANTIN2, Anca BUCUREȘTEANU3 1, 2, 3) Prof., PhD, Eng., Machines and Manufacturing
Systems Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: In
this paper the variants of adjusting of the main kinematic chains from the
vertical lathes (carousel) are presented. Different possibilities of driving
with electric motors are presented in a comparative manner by means of
gearbox type gearboxes and belt or tooth belt transmissions. The paper
presents the control systems used in older electric motors with a single
speed, but also modern systems, in which asynchronous current motors are used
having conntonously speed adjustment by frequency variation. It is emphasized
the current role of gearboxes which is that of torque amplification and not
of speed reduction. It is presented the criteria for choosing the optimal
variant from a technical and economical point of view, depending on the
specific technological requirements. Some experimental achievements are
presented in heavy machine tools from the families of normal and vertical
lathes (carousel) for the fabrication and re-fabrication of lathes, which can
process pieces having diameters ranging from 800 to 10 000 mm. Key words: main kinematic chain, heavy
vertical lathes, gearbox, adjustment range. Thermal model of externally
driven spindle: a semi-automatic construction of thermal network Andrei GHEORGHIȚĂ1, Dragoș AROTĂRIȚEI2,*,
George CONSTANTIN3, Marius TURNEA4, Mihai ILEA5, Mariana ROTARIU6 1) PhD Student, Dept. Medical Bioengineering, University of Medicine and
Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa", Iasi, Romania 2,*) PhD. Prof., Dept. Medical Bioengineering, Univ. of Medicine and
Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa", Iasi, Romania 3) PhD, Prof., Machine and Production Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania 4) Assistant Professor, Dept. Medical Bioengineering, Univ. of Medicine
and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa", Iasi, Romania 5) Assistant Professor, Dept. Medical Bioengineering, Univ. of Medicine
and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa", Iasi, Romania 6) Assistant Professor, Dept. Medical Bioengineering, Univ. of Medicine
and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa", Iasi, Romania Abstract: This
paper. Focuses on one application to construct a user guided thermal network
for externally driven spindle of high speed. The objective is to develop a
model the can be used for effective estimation of thermally distribution in a
spindle-bearing system using and generator of linear symbolic system of
equations that can be solved using a numerically solver in a simpler manner
than the tools that use the finite element model. The heat generated by
bearings is calculated using a dynamic model of angular contact bearings and
cylindrical roller bearings in a distribution and construction that use
preload. The results of simulation were compared with similar results from
literature and for a moderate level of granulation of thermal network the
results were found good for practical applications. The proposed approach is
useful especially when we need in a fast manner practical results and the
number of node must be find out by multiple iterations with less ore more
complex thermal network architecture. The prospective development and further
research are discussed. Key words: Spindle-bearing modeling, thermal network, heat transfer, thermal
resistance, angular contact ball bearing, system of linear equations. pp. 27-32
Manufacturing performance
improvement of complex products based on coding and parameterisation: a case
study Christos DRAKOS1, George-Christopher VOSNIAKOS2,* 1) Dipl. Eng, Manufacturing Technology Section, School of Mechanical Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, Greece. 2) Prof., Manufacturing Technology Section, School of Mechanical
Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Abstract: This
work presents a case study referring to the way in which a complex product
design is linked to the manufacturing processes which are necessary to make
it. The product is a mobile cement pump consisting of 8 sub-assemblies, 204
manufactured part types and a total of parts in excess of 1000. A custom
coding system has been defined and implemented as a database application in
order to standardize design and, most importantly, select parts,
manufacturing processes and machine tools that fulfill specific criteria. Use
of such information is demonstrated in detail for specific parts in the
context of replacing previously employed manufacturing processes with new
ones towards a more efficient manufacturing system. Furthermore, parametric
CNC programs were linked to parametrically designed
critical parts, such as a three-stage driving pulley depending on the motor
employed. Automating the link of design and manufacture substantially
enhanced both production rate and flexibility. Key words:
Part families, coding, manufacturing performance, parametric design, design
for manufacturing. Analysis of cutting forces
in end milling of multi-layered functionally graded metal material Uros ZUPERL,* 1, Franc CUS2 1) Assist. Prof., researcher, University of Maribor, Faculty of
mechanical engineering, Maribor, Slovenia 2) Full. Prof., University of Maribor, Faculty of mechanical
engineering, Maribor, Slovenia Abstract: Machining
of functionally graded metal materials is an important operation in their
integration into automotive tool making industry. Effective machining of
these materials with changing properties requires detail knowledge of cutting
forces which may result excessive product damage. Therefore, in this
research, an experimental investigation was carried out to realize the
machinability behavior of the four-layered functionally graded metal material
in terms of the nature of the cutting force generated while performing the machining
operation. A dynamometer was used
to measure the actual cutting forces, which were graphically represented by
diagrams depending on the angle of rotation of the cutting tool. The
machining of 16MnCr5/316L four-layered metal material, manufactured by the
laser engineered net shaping (LENS) process, was performed with a solid
carbide ball-end mill. The influence of LENS process parameters, machining
parameters and hardness and /or thickness of the deposited layers on
resultant maximum cutting forces has been investigated in the analyses. The
results were graphically represented. Key words: cutting forces,
end-milling, multi-layered metal material, LENS. Dynamic simulation of
industrial robots behaviour using integrated software procedures Mihai BOLDA1, Cristina PUPĂZĂ2,* 1) PhD Student, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, Politehnica
University of Bucharest, Romania 2) Prof. Dr.-Ing., Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department,
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: The
paper presents a research regarding the dynamic behavior of an industrial robot
during operation. The main target of the attempt was to primarily test a set
of software applications in a combination used in the automotive industry:
ANSA-Pam-Crash-METAPost. The dynamic analysis has been performed using an
explicit solver, which involves time integration and does not require an
iterative computation. The robot has been programmed to manipulate a mass of
69 Kg over a distance of 1.5m at a rotational speed of 110˚/s. A
comparison was also done between the robot's behavior with and without the
manipulated object for the same cycling. The original research was focused on
new kinematic modelling and simulation functionalities. It was further
continued with an endurance test to provide information on areas that are
fatigue-sensitive. The analysis proved that CAE integrated software used
mainly in the automotive industry is also a valuable design and research tool
for industrial robots when adapting and customizing the simulation
methodology. Key words: CAE, industrial robots,
simulation, kinematic, transient, fatigue. Electronic mail: |