ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067–9238 |
□ Volume 8, Issue 2, 2013
Contents Swarm intelligence combined with neural network objective function modelling for turning process optimization
· Christian LANDSCHÜTZER, Andreas WOLFSCHLUCKNER, Dirk JODIN, CAE for high performance in-feed processes at sorting systems
· Ludmila NOVAKOVA-MARCINCINOVA, Jozef NOVAK-MARCINCIN, Verification of mechanical properties of ABS materials used in FDM rapid prototyping technology
· Georgi TODOROV, Tsvetozar IVANOV, Konstantin KAMBEROV, Boyko ALADJEMOV, Engineering design and analysis of nozzle assembly for water sports training device
· Oskar ZEMČÍK, Josef CHLADIL, Jan OTOUPALÍK, Josef SEDLÁK, Changes in the surface layer of rolled bearing steel
· Mariana ROTARIU, Dragos AROTARITEI, Marius TURNEA, Robert FILEP, Hypertrophic scar formation model applied to blunt--prosthesis interface: forming by accretion
· Aurel FRATU, Michel DAMBRINE, An analysis of the robot collision avoidance using the programming through imitation
· Veronika IVANOVA, Krassimira KOLEVA, Radko MIHAILOV, Iossif BENIOZEF, Family tools for robot-assisted
OPTIMIZATION 1) Assist. Prof., researcher, University of Abstract:
This paper discusses the use
of non-traditional optimization technique based on combination of artificial
neural network and swarm intelligence for optimization of cutting parameters
in turning. An artificial neural network
model (ANN) was used to predict objective function during optimization and
particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) was used to obtain optimum
cutting speed and feed rate. This paper also presents fundamentals of ANN-PSO
optimization technique. Key
words: machining, optimization,
swarm intelligence, neural network. Gerhard KEHL 1) Prof. Dr.-Ing., University of Applied Sciences,
Faculty of Engineering Management, Esslingen, Germany Abstract:
In recent years, the use of
simulation-aided methods has become well-established in machine tool
development. Structural dynamics, for instance, are evaluated and optimized
on the basis of simulated compliance frequency responses. This allows to
compare alternative conceptual variants, however, it does not allow
authoritative statements to be made in terms of process stability of specific
machining processes. To simulate the dynamic overall behavior and thus answer
the above-mentioned question, it is necessary to couple machine model and
process model. Precondition for this are qualified machine and process
models. The machine model of a machining centre must on the one hand map the
mechanical structure with the integrated drives and controls, and on the
other hand describe in detail the spindle system. The process model based on
analytic model conceptions should be able to map all relevant effects of
machining processes like turning, milling or drilling. This article discusses
the following points from a machine tool manufacturers perspective: FE
modeling and simulation of the machine tool; coupling of machine model and
process model by compliance frequency response; stability analysis by FE
simulation with integrated cutting process model; experiences and limitations
regarding the forecasting capability of this simulation; future steps for
further development. Key
words: FE simulation, design, machine
tool, cutting process, process stability, cutting depth, regenerative
chatter. Christian LANDSCHÜTZER1,*, Andreas WOLFSCHLUCKNER2,
Dirk JODIN3 2) Dipl-Ing., PhD candidate, TU Graz, Institute of
Logistics Engineering, Graz, Austria 3) Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., head of Institute, TU
Graz, Key words: VERIFICATION OF
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ABS MATER Ludmila NOVAKOVA-MARCINCINOVA1,*, Jozef NOVAK-MARCINCIN2 1) Eng., scientific worker, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies,
Technical University of Kosice, Presov, Slovakia 2) PhD, Prof., Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical Abstract: In this paper, information about common and advanced
materials used for manufacturing of products by Fused Deposition Modelling
(FDM) rapid prototyping technology is presented. In different rapid
prototyping technologies the initial state of material can come in either
solid, liquid or powder state. The current range materials include paper,
nylon, wax, resins, metals and ceramics. In FDM as basic materials ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene,
polyamide, polycarbonate, polyethylene and polypropylene are mainly used.
Main part of the paper is focused on experimental testing of rapid
prototyping materials realized by different research teams and presents
outputs of testing of ABS material in FDM technology realized by authors. Key words: fused deposition
modeling, Acrylonitrile Butadiene
TODOROV1*, Tsvetozar IVANOV2, Konstantin KAMBEROV3,
Boyko ALADJEMOV4 2) Eng., Research Engineer, Laboratory “CAD/CAM/CAE in
Industry”, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria 3) PhD Eng., Research Engineer, Laboratory “CAD/CAM/CAE
in Industry”, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria 4) Eng., Research Engineer, Laboratory “CAD/CAM/CAE in
Industry”, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract: Virtual engineering
usually is applied as to reduce time/money spent for product development
stage, but also is a powerful basis to explore details that might otherwise
remain undetected. New products development process is demonstrated based on
virtual engineering techniques application, forming new, coupled approach.
Alternating between CAD enhanced design and numerical techniques (CFD
analysis) are in the core of applied approach to design flowboarding training
device. This approach enables to implement manufacturing constraints in each
step of design development as to produce structure that not only suits
technical requirements, but also is cost effective. Simulated physics is also
challenging as it concerns two phases (water and air) fluids mixture. The
study is focused on the major component of examined structure – nozzle
assembly. It should provide sufficient fluid flow at certain pressure losses
while correspond to certain requirements for produced water layer. Detailed
product design is evolved through initial conception study and
characterization to final design exploration, using contemporary tools,
applied over common virtual prototype. Major advantages of this approach are
mixing (alternating) manufacturing constraints requirements with technical
requirements that results in a perspective design, decreasing required time
for its development. Key words:
CAD, Engineering analysis, CFD, wave-forming generator, nozzle. CHANGES IN THE Oskar ZEMČÍK 1,*,
Josef CHLADIL2, Jan OTOUPALÍK3, Josef SEDLÁK4 1) Ing., Ph.D., lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute
of Manufacturing Technology, Brno, Czech Republic 2) doc. Ing., PhD., lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Brno, Czech Republic 3) Ing., Ph.D. student, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of
Manufacturing Technology, Brno, Czech Republic 4) Ing., Ph.D., lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute
of Manufacturing Technology, Brno, Czech Republic Abstract:
The article deals with the changes in the surface
layer of the ring of rolled bearing steels. The additional method of
hydrostatic roller burnishing operation is applied on samples of material
100Cr6 (EN 10132-4) and changes in the surface layer
of the workpiece are then evaluated. The simulation using finite element
method was used to better understand the ongoing phenomena. Key words: bearing
steel, roller burnishing, finite element method, residual austenite, residual
Marius TURNEA3, Robert FILEP4 1) As., PhD student, 2) Prof., PhD, 3) As. Prof., PhD, 4) PhD student, OrtoProfil, Abstract: The
interface blunt-prosthesis is the subject of stress and friction due to
forces that act in the walking stage. The dermal wounds that can appear due
to this stress and frictions can heal due to normal process of regenerative
of dermal layers. In some cases, the normal process of wound healing can fail
and some abnormal forms can develop: keloid and hypertrophic scars. These
abnormal forms can be seen as mainly due to fibro-proliferative disorder in
terms of excessive development of fibroblastic cells. In this paper we
investigated the possibility to use the mathematical model for
fibro-proliferative interactions to forming of scars by accretion at the
interface blunt-prosthesis. The work can be used to predict the risk area of
patient’s stump and subsequent the use of physio kinetotherapy program to
prevent this. The investigation is a theoretically one and it must be
validated by medical measurements. Key words:
mathematical model, fibroplasia and wound contraction, hypertrophic scar,
fibro-proliferative disorders, blunt-prosthesis interface, cell accretion. AN ANALYSIS OF THE ROBOT
Computers, „Transilvania” 2) Prof., PhD, Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000
Lille, France, 3) UVHC, LAMIH, F-59313 Abstract: This
paper presents an analysis of the
collision avoidance of the cooperative robots using the programming
through imitation. Each
physical robot acts fully independently, communicating with corresponding
virtual prototype and imitating her behavior. Each physical robot reproduces
the motion of her virtual prototype. The estimation of the collision-free
actions of the virtual cooperative robots and the transfer of the virtual
joint trajectories to the physical robots who imitate there virtual
prototypes, are the original ideas. We tested the present strategy on several
simulation scenarios, involving two virtual robots and estimating
collision-free actions, during of the cooperative tasks. Key words:
virtual robots, cooperative robots, collision avoidance, motion imitation. FAMILY TOOLS FOR ROBOT-ASSISTED SURGERY Veronika IVANOVA1,*,
Krassimira KOLEVA2, Radko MIHAILOV3,
Iossif BENIOZEF4 2) Assistant, Department of
Technical Mechanics, Technical University of Varna, Varna, Bulgaria 3) Assoc. Professor, College of Technology to The
Technical University o fVarna, Dobrich, Bulgaria 4) Engineer, Department of Robotized executive
mechanisms and Intelligent Systems Institute of Systems Engineering and
Robotics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract: Medical
technology trends to the design and development of novel type of executive
tools and accessories, allowing improving the performance of medical staff
and increasing quality of care for patients. Amongst
them, laparoscopic surgery is very popular medical intervention for diagnoses
and treatment some abdominal problems and diseases. However, the lack of
tactile sense is the cardinal disadvantage associated with laparoscopy,
because it limits the surgeon abilities.
In this context the main objective of the
work is to
investigation of current laparoscopic instruments and robot assisted systems,
and design novel type family tools for robot-assisted surgery with better
technical characteristics, and incorporation of force sensors in construction
of instruments for restore sense of touch and recognizing the presence of
contact at end –effectors with organs tissues and stones during surgical
procedures. Thus it is improving some technical side of these laparoscopic
instruments. Also this paper shows common examples for tool-object force
interaction at different type end -effectors. To avoid cardinal disadvantage
on existing direct sensing control methods for tissue characterization,
different approaches is proposed. For this purpose an original
instrument with two force sensors by Honeywell Company, position sensor and
linear driving mechanism implemented there was designed and produced. This
laparoscopic tool is main component in haptics control system for tissues
characterization. During the designing process of family tools for
robot-assisted surgery following main problems have to be overtaken: i)
presence of tactile force feedback, ii) ability to force control and its regulation in
requested range. Key words:
robotics, mechatronics, robot-assisted surgery, laparoscopic instruments, tactile
sense, haptic device Electronic mail: orgcom@icmas.eu / |