ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067-9238 |
□ Volume 13, Issue 3, 2018
Methodology for efficiency improvement in warehouses:
a case study from the winter sports equipment industry
Numerical analysis of mechanical stress behavior of rotary kiln of a cement
Anişoara CORĂBIERU, Ştefan VELICU, Petrică CORĂBIERU, Ștefan IONIȚĂ,
Research on the optimization of the manufacturing
technology of the metal parts heat treated
Performing industrial logistic system a chance to create company competence
Radu-Eugen BREAZ, Melania TERA, Vlad Andrei CIUBOTARIU, Viorel COHAL,
Cătălina MAIER, Gabriela PLĂIAȘU
Single point incremental forming - comparison between
technological equipment
GAVRILUŢĂ, Eduard Laurenţiu NIŢU, Alin GAVRILUŢĂ, Daniel Constantin ANGHEL,
Nicolae Doru STĂNESCU,
Maria Crina RADU,
development of a laboratory system to experiment methods to improve the
production flows
Mihai CRENGANIȘ, Alexandru BÂRSAN, Sever-Gabriel RACZ, Monica Daniela
Single point incremental forming using KUKA KR6-2 industrial robot - a
dynamic approach
PAUNOIU, Virgil TEODOR, Melania TERA, Nadia BELU, Ciprian CIOFU, Nicolae
Design of a car body part using reverse engineering and FEM
Gheorghe BRABIE, Roxana LUPU, Alin Daniel RIZEA, Constantin CĂRĂUȘU, Anca-Lucia
Methodology for efficiency improvement in warehouses: a case study from the
winter sports equipment industry
Lalo VALCHKOV1,*, Nina VALCHKOVA2 1) M. Eng, M. Sc., Distribution Center Manager Winter Sports Equipment, Atomic Austria GmbH, Austria 2) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng., Institute of Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract:
paper considers a methodology for efficiency improvement in warehouses. The
methodology is developed for the needs of the winter sports equipment
division of Amer Sports Corporation. Key aspects of the methodology are the
concept development of balanced scorecard for the distribution logistics and
the application of lean methods in the warehouse. The main criteria for
evaluation of the warehouse processes are examined. The paper presents the
implementation of balanced scorecard as a tool for logistics processes and
costs monitoring and management decisions in the Amer Sports distribution
center for winter sports equipment. The application of the lean methods in
the warehouse are also discussed. The paper presents also the improvements
achieved by applying the methodology in the warehouse.
analysis of mechanical stress behavior of rotary kiln of a cement plant
Mohammed BOUHAFS1, Abed
MEGHDIR2, Yassine BELHADADJI3 1) PhD, Dept. Electromechanical, Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety, Univ. Oran 2, Oran, Algeria. 2, 3) PhD, Dept. Electromechanical, Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety, Univ. Oran 2, Oran, Algeria.
Furnaces are machines that are
widely used in industry, especially of cements. They are often subjected to
high mechanical and thermal stress. The present work consists in modeling
the mechanical behavior of a rotary kiln in stationary regime. The case
studied is that of the cement factory LAFARGE Oggaz, Mascara, Algeria. This
study aims is to determine the optimal operating conditions under variable
mechanical loads. The two load cases considered are traction and compression
of the shells. The results obtained, state
Research on the optimization of the manufacturing technology of the metal
parts heat treated in liquid and solid phase
Anişoara CORĂBIERU 1, Ştefan VELICU 2, Petrică CORĂBIERU 3*, Ștefan IONIȚĂ4 1) Lecturer, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi of Iasi, Romania 2) Prof., PhD, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 3) Scientific Researcher II, PhD, SC Procomimpex SRL Iasi, Romania 4) PhD Student, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: This paper analyzes the quality of pinion type parts manufactured through the technological procedure of hardening in liquid and solid state phase. The investigations are made by electronic microscopy and optical microscopy, highlighting the structure and composition of the superficial layer and the micro-hardness determinations. Depending on the results obtained, the paper suggests measures for optimization, aiming especially at the values of the most important technological parameters for the technological phase of microalloying in liquid state and induction heat treatment in solid state phase. The hardening of the superficial layer of the pinion type parts is revealed by the high values of the micro-hardness determinations. The hardening and structure of the superficial layer are supporting the implementation of the technological procedure at industrial level.
Performing industrial logistic
system a chance to create company competence
Elena SIMA1,* 1) Lecturer, PhD, department MEI, Faculty of Engineering, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania
Logistics recognized as a scientific and practice activity bringing
competitive advantage gains new valences nowadays. It is known that each
company wants to obtain products / services at the lowest possible cost
without affecting their quality. Logistics becomes an instrument in
achieving these goals and at the same time enables the promotion of
customer-supplier relationships. Logistic attributes such as time, quality
and cost of the logistics system should focus on adapting them to the needs
and expectations of customers. Starting from the need to add value to the
customer without significantly increasing costs, logistics activities need
to be integrated with other functions such as marketing, sales,
manufacturing, finance, information technology, etc. If not long ago the
logistics-specific activities were grouped together with other activities,
the literature now insists on their strategic importance. The paper aims to
highlight several ways to reduce the costs
and achieve competitive advantage that depend on efficient and effective
managing, so excellence logistic activities.The excellence of logistics activities is reflected in the price of the
finished product, which can affect up to 85%, depending on the industry. The
paper highlights how an efficient logistics system leads to the growth of
turnover and profits of companies with concerns in this respect.
point incremental forming ‒ comparison between technological equipment by an
overall processing time point of view
Radu-Eugen BREAZ1,*,
Melania TERA2, Vlad Andrei CIUBOTARIU3, Viorel COHAL4,
Cătălina MAIER5,
Gabriela PLĂIAȘU6 1) Prof., PhD, Department of Industrial Machines and Equipment, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania 2) Ass. Prof., PhD, Department of Industrial Machines and Equipment, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania 3) Ass. Prof., PhD, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Bacău, Romania 4) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical university of Iaşi, Iași, Romania 5) Prof., PhD, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, Galați, 6) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Management, University of Pitești, Pitești, Romania
Single point incremental
forming (SPIF) can be unfolded on various technological equipment. CNC
milling machines and industrial robots are usually chosen for this purpose,
both having advantages and drawbacks. The most obvious advantage of the
industrial robots relies upon their superior kinematic, due the superior
number of axes, especially when compared with 3-axis CNC milling machines.
However, most of the parts manufactured by means of SPIF have simple shapes,
which usually do not require more than 3-axis equipment for processing.
Thus, it is arguable if using industrial robots for SPIF process could be
justified by an economic point of view. The approach presented in this paper
compares, by means of simulation, three processing strategies used for
manufacturing a simple truncated cone shaped part, using a 3 axis CNC
milling machine and an industrial robot. Moreover, the kinematic of the
industrial robot is further improved by using a special positioning unit,
which add two supplementary axis to the equipment. In order to run the
simulation process, kinematic models for both equipment were developed. The
processing regime (speed and feeds) was kept the same for all three
simulated strategies. The main goal of the proposed approach was to test if
the use of an equipment with superior kinematic (industrial robot) adds any
advantages to the process, when manufacturing simple parts.
development of a laboratory system to experiment methods to improve the
production flows
Ana GAVRILUŢĂ1, Eduard
Laurenţiu NIŢU2,*, Alin GAVRILUŢĂ3,
Daniel Constantin ANGHEL1,
Nicolae Doru STĂNESCU2, Maria
Crina RADU4, Gheorghe CREȚU5, Cristina Maria BIRIȘ6,
Viorel PĂUNOIU7 1) Lecturer, PhD, Manufacturing and Industrial Management Department, University of Piteşti, Pitești, Romania 2) Prof., PhD, Manufacturing and Industrial Management Department, University of Piteşti, Pitești, Romania 3) PhD Student, Manufacturing and Industrial Management Department, University of Piteşti, Pitești, Romania 4) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Engineering and Industrial Systems Management Department, "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău, Bacău, Romania 5) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Manufacturing Engineering Department, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania 6)
Lecturer, PhD, Industrial Machinery and Equipment Department, "Lucian Blaga"
University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania 7) Prof., PhD, Manufacturing Engineering Department, "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi, Galaţi, Romania
Globalization of production and
strong competition in the automotive industry requires manufacturers to
offer their customers a wide range of products, of the best quality and at
lower prices. This requires uniform production flow, increase the
flexibility of the production system and its responsiveness to customer
requests. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to use in the layout
planning, work organization and production management the most modern
methods, techniques and tools of production management, such as modeling and
simulating production flows and Lean manufacturing. In this context, the
present paper describes the developing of a laboratory system that allows,
the research in laboratory conditions of modern manufacturing methods and
their transfer to factories from automotive industry. The laboratory system
is made of integrated research platforms, specific to layout design,
modeling and simulation flows and Lean manufacturing and include also
elements of digitalization (Industry 4.0). In this paper are described
briefly the main characteristics of the research platforms made until now
and the ways in which these can be used.
point incremental forming using kuka kr6-2 industrial robot - a dynamic
Mihai CRENGANIȘ1,*, Alexandru BÂRSAN2, Sever-Gabriel RACZ3, Monica Daniela IORDACHE4 1) Assistant Prof., PhD, Machine and Industrial Equipment Department, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania 2)Assistant Prof., PhD Student, Machine and Industrial Equipment Department, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania 3)Prof., PhD, Head of department, Machine and Industrial Equipment Department, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania 4) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Manufacturing and Industrial Management Department, University from Pitesti, Romania Abstract:
The single point incremental forming process (SPIF) of the metal sheets is a
modern method of plastic deformation, with an enormous potential regarding
the flexibility and personalization of the parts obtained by this process.
SPIF of a sheet metal is a technologic manufacturing process where a sheet
metal is formed into a desired part by a series of small incremental
deformations. The main research objective is to determine the joint torques
from the kinematic structure of the KUKA KR6-2 industrial robot during SPIF
process. The dynamic model of the robot during SPIF processes is also
presented. This study is necessary to determine if KUKA KR6-2 robot can be
used for SPIF manufacturing processes of thin metal sheets without
mechanical failure over time. To study and simulate the KUKAKR6-2 robot's
dynamic behavior during the SPIF process, first the forces that appear
during the process must be examined.
of a car body part using reverse engineering and FEM
Viorel PAUNOIU1,*, Virgil TEODOR2, Melania TERA3, Nadia BELU4, Ciprian CIOFU5, Nicolae TAMPU6 1)
Prof., Head of Department of Manufacturing Engineering, "Dunarea de Jos"
University of Galati, Galati, Romania
Assoc. Prof., Department of Manufacturing Engineering, "Dunarea de Jos"
University of Galati, Galati, Romania 3)
Lecturer, Department of Industrial Machinery and Equipment, "Lucian Blaga"
University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania 4)
Lecturer, Manufacturing and Industrial Management Department, University of
Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania 5)
Lecturer, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, "Gheorghe Asachi"
Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania 6)
Lecturer, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management,
University "Vasile Alecsandri" of Bacau, Bacau, Romania Abstract: Deep drawing, as the main technology for obtaining car body parts, is one of the fields where the virtual design of parts and process is used for product development. The use of FEM in sheet metal forming processes is an efficient tool of virtual design that has replaced the physical try-out method in terms of costs and time consuming. In the paper steps necessary in virtual design and verification of a car body part are presented. The design process starts with the design analysis and the creation of the part model using reverse engineering. Then the model is analyzed using FEM. By numerical simulation is obtained the form and the dimensions of the blank. After defining the deep drawing tool the process of deformation is modeled. An analysis of part, in terms of geometry, thickness and stresses variation is made. It is presented the module of forming limit diagram of the program and the results of the analysis of the part using this module. Finally, the results of this study could be used and improved by the car manufacturers.
of recent stretch forming development
Gheorghe BRABIE1, Roxana LUPU2,*, Alin Daniel RIZEA3, Constantin CĂRĂUȘU4, Anca-Lucia CHICEA5, Cătălina MAIER6 1) Prof., "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău, Faculty of Engineering, Bacău, Romania 2) Research assistant, "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău, Faculty of Engineering, Bacău, Romania 3)
Prof., University of Pitesti, Faculty of Engineering,
Piteşti, Romania 4)
Prof., Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, Faculty of
Engineering, Iași, Romania 5)
Prof., University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Faculty of Engineering, Sibiu,
Romania 6) Prof., University "Dunărea de Jos" of Galaţi, Faculty of Engineering, Galaţi, Romania Abstract: The forming process, reviewed in the present paper, is a conventional method used in deforming metal sheet, using a clamping method and a die. Through the paper numerous types of processes were shown. The main consideration was the mechanists behind each process and how it improves key factor like producibility, repeatability, sustainability and conformability. Described in the introduction is the different type of sheet metal forming processes, the deformation mechanism, deform materials, industries where it is successfully implemented. The main types of processes described are classic die stretch forming, multi-point die stretch forming (MPSF), single point incremental forming (SPIF) combined with stretch forming and numerical simulation of the stretch forming process, with respect to classic die, multi-point die and flexible multi-grippers. More or less the aerospace industry has a high use of stretch forming parts. Nevertheless, industries like architectural constructions, automotive and naval benefit from the major developments of this process. MPSF and the hybrid SPFI and stretch forming processes solved the problem of multiple curvature sheet deforming, grooves and pockets. As a conclusion, to this review, it can be stated that conventional stretch forming has undergone a remarkable evolution in term of process adaptability and flexibility, being able to perform operations of high complexity.
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