ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067-9238 |
□ Volume 15, Issue 1, 2020 · Dan PRODAN, George CONSTANTIN, Anca BUCURESTEANU,
Compensation for cross rail deflection in heavy single column
vertical lathes
Valentina ZAHARIA, Daniela BORDEIANU, Gary COKINS,
Measuring and management customer profitability in wind industry
Gabriel FRUMUŞANU, Nicuşor BAROIU, Nicolae OANCEA,
rack-tool for manufacturing the multi-lobe rotors of axial helical pumps
Vidosav MAJSTOROVIC, Slavenko
model for Industry 4.0 concept · Adrian MAROȘAN, George CONSTANTIN,
controller based on a gyroscope sensor for an omnidirectional mobile
Laurenţiu SLĂTINEANU, Oana
DODUN, Margareta COTEAŢĂ, Gheorghe NAGÎŢ,
Compensation for cross rail
deflection in heavy single column
vertical lathes
Dan PRODAN1,*, George
1, 2, 3) Prof., PhD, Eng., Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department,
University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Abstract This paper presents some of
the theoretical-experimental research carried out by the authors on the
occasion of the remaking of a heavy vertical lathe intended for the
processing of diameters up to 10,000 mm. Considering this dimension, for
vertical lathes with a single mount, there is the question of reducing the
deformation (fall) of the mobile traverse. In the paper some of the
calculations and mathematical models used by the authors are presented in
order to determine how to reduce deformations along with the experimental
results. pp.
Measuring and management
customer profitability in wind industry
Valentina ZAHARIA1,*, Daniela BORDEIANU2, Gary COKINS3
PhD Student, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
PhD Student, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
The only value that an
organization will ever create for its stakeholders is the value associated
with customers or comes from its customers, both the existing clients as
well as the ones acquired in the near future. To remain competitive, the
organizations must determine ways to keep their clients for longer, grow
them into more significant customers while making them more profitable. This
research paper will focus on ways such organizations can gain more focus on
their customers. Indeed, some high demanding clients might not be
profitable, but the challenge is that many organizations have no means of
reporting the customer profitability analysis to support this rationale. The
organizations' lack the proper and consistent managerial accounting
structures can make available more reports on the 65 customer's
profitability, and this becomes more challenging because the organizations
have no way of making verification of the profitable and unprofitable
customers. The research explains how an organization can use activity-based
accounting to trace the source of the consumption of the company expenses.
ABC enhances accuracy since it employs several phrases to track as well as
segment all the resources expenditures as calculated costs through a system
assignment of the costs into the value of the closing objects.
The rack-tool for manufacturing
the multi-lobe rotors of axial helical pumps
FRUMUŞANU1,*, Nicuşor BAROIU2, Nicolae OANCEA3 1), 3)
Prof., PhD, Manufacturing Engineering Department, "Dunărea de Jos"
University of Galaţi, Romania 2)
Assoc. Prof., PhD, Manufacturing Engineering Department, "Dunărea de Jos"
University of Galaţi, Romania
The helical pumps with axial
worm (progressive cavity pumps) are frequently used in oil industry, for
circulating liquids in mixtures with solid abrasive particles. The pump worm
has helical shape, with one or more lobes. Due to its complexity, this worm
manufacturing is a challenging problem. In the paper, it is suggested an
algorithm laying onto the “Minimum distance” method, which enables the
profiling of the rack-tool generating this type of ordinate whirl of helical
surfaces. The main steps of the algorithm are: the definition of the
hypo-cycloid specific to pump rotor, the finding of the rotor functional
profile, equidistant to the hypo-cycloid, and the finding of the rack-tool
profile in the axial section of the worm. A numerical sample of implementing
the developed algorithm, in the case of a rotor with four lobes, performed
with the help of a dedicated MatLab soft application, is also presented,
together with graphical representations of the rotor transversal section and
of the corresponding rack-tool profile.
ERP model for Industry 4.0
PhD, Prof., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Production
Metrology and TQM, University of Belgrade, Serbia 2)
PhD, Assistant Prof., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for
Production Metrology and TQM, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Industry 4.0 as advanced model
of technology systems automation, based on the convergence of technologies
that make up the concept of intelligent manufacturing, integrated with
information and communication technologies that have been applied in a new
way (cloud computing, big data analytics and AI), and based on distributed
management. This approach has brought unprecedented opportunities to
technology systems, from resource levels to supply chains, which are
becoming more flexible, responsive to customer demands, and product quality
is without defects. On the other hand, planning and control production in
this model must have a specific concept that defines it. Also, model has its
own development, and the subject of this paper is the analysis and synthesis
of the follow two models: Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and enterprise resource
planning (ERP), as a whole of intelligent manufacturing. The paper also
provides ours research model for the ERP model developing the Industry 4.0
concept, for Serbian manufacturing SMEs.
PID controller based on a
gyroscope sensor for an omnidirectional mobile platform
Adrian MAROȘAN1,*,
Assist. Prof., PhD
Student, Robots and
Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest,
Romania 2)
PhD, Prof., Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
This paper refers to the design
of the control of an omnidirectional mobile platform, by implementing a PID
controller having as input signal a gyroscope sensor, which will indicate in
real time the orientation angle of the platform. The use of this system
follows the position and angle of orientation to control the angular and
linear speed of the omnidirectional robot. A comparison is made between the
system with direct control and the one with the PID control algorithm based
on the gyroscope sensor. The entire system is controlled by an Arduino Mega
2560 development board, based on an Atmega microcontroller. Following the
tests performed, the controller presented in this paper offers an optimal
solution to minimize the differences between the reference and the output
trajectory. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed algorithms in the control of omnidirectional mobile platforms.
Correlations between the values
of some surface roughness parameters when abrasive jet machining
Laurenţiu SLĂTINEANU1,
Oana DODUN2, Margareta COTEAŢĂ3, Gheorghe NAGÎŢ4,
Adelina HRIŢUC5, Irina BEŞLIU-BĂNCESCU6, Adriana
Prof., Ph.D.,
Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, Romania 2)
Prof., Ph.D.,
Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, Romania 3)
Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, Romania 4)
Prof., Ph.D.,
Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, Romania 5)
Master Student,
Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, Romania 6)
Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Department of Mechanics and Technology, “Ştefan cel Mare” University of
Suceava, Romania 7)Assoc.
Prof., Ph.D., Department of Machine Tools and Tools, “Gheorghe Asachi”
Technical University of Iaşi, Romania
Abrasive jet machining is part
of the broader group of unconventional machining processes based on using
the effects of impact between moving particles with the workpiece surface.
In some experiments aimed at establishing empirical mathematical models to
highlight the influence of process input factors on the values of surface
roughness parameters, it was found that there are possible correlations
between the values of surface roughness parameters taken into account.
Usually, in the classical machining processes, it is preferred to use
empirical mathematical models of the power function type. Starting from the
hypothesis of a correlation between the values of some roughness parameters
of the surfaces obtained by abrasive jet machining and preferring this time
the use of empirical mathematical models selected by the computer program as
more appropriate to the experimental results, graphical representations were
made to illustrate the influence of the values of the angle of inclination
of the abrasive jet, of the distance between the nozzle of orientation of
the abrasive jet to the workpiece and respectively of the average size of
the abrasive particles on the values of the considered surface roughness
parameters. These results, together with the determination of the values of
some correlation coefficients, confirmed the existence of good correlations
between the values of the surface roughness parameters taken into
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