


ISSN 2343–7472

ISSN-L 2067-9238







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Volume 18, Issue 4, 2023




·          Ion BADEA, Diana POPESCU, Tudor-George ALEXANDRU,

            Finite element analysis in the study and optimization of external fixators


·          Cosmin GOGU, Cristina PUPĂZĂ, George CONSTANTIN,

            Small satellites and technology development. A review


·          Constantin-Rareș DIACONU, Constantin-Adrian POPESCU, Cicerone Laurențiu POPA, Emilia-Maria POPESCU, Costel Emil COTEȚ,

            Using software and mathematical methods to optimize logistics flows. A case study





pp._119-128       Image_PDF View full text


Finite element analysis in the study and optimization of external fixators


Ion BADEA1, Diana POPESCU2,*, Tudor-George ALEXANDRU3


1) PhD Student, Dep. of Robots and Production Systems, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

2) Prof., PhD, Dep. of Robots and Production Systems, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

3) Lecturer, PhD, Dep. of Robots and Production Systems, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania


Abstract: This paper reviews recent approaches using finite element analysis for designing and optimizing orthopedic external fixators for stabilizing and healing bone fractures. Key aspects include design methods, numerical simulations, experimental and clinical validations. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the human bone are investigated. Studies have explored various external fixator designs and configurations, by employing stress analysis to understand the mechanical behavior of the external fixator-bone construct, and optimizing the design and placement of frames, rods, and pins. The primary goals are to reduce the fixator’s mass while maintaining necessary external fixator-bone stiffness for stability and healing, as well as to evaluate different configurations, and to provide data on optimal external fixator removal timing. Focusing mainly on external fixators for tibial fractures, the paper also includes insights from femur fracture studies. Hybrid external fixators are less frequently studied compared to linear or Ilizarov fixators. A notable aspect is the variability in external fixator configurations, tailored to patient anatomy and fracture type. Developing a comprehensive bone model is crucial, incorporating both cortical and cancellous bone types, as well as cortical thickness, which respond differently to stress due to varying material properties such as the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Additionally, stages of callus formation, essential to bone healing, correspond to changes in the stiffness of the fixator-bone system, load transfer capacity of the external fixator, and interfragmentary strain values.


Key words: external fixator, finite element analysis, bone, mechanical properties, orthopedics, design, simulation, stiffness.




pp._129-135       Image_PDF View full text


Small satellites and technology development. A review


Cosmin GOGU1,*, Cristina PUPĂZĂ2, George CONSTANTIN3


1) Ph.D. Student, Eng, Robots and Manufacturing System Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

2, 3) Prof., Ph.D., Eng, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: The paper's main objective is to present the current stage of development in the aerospace field. A brief history of small satellites and the classification of satellite sizes is presented. Research directions in the aerospace field are presented as defined by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and European Space Agency (ESA). An analysis of the research directions is proposed for development for materials, design, production and testing of spatial structures. Improvements in designing of structures focuses on Modeling, Optimizations and Validation stages, with recommendations for each stage. Small satellites development is accelerating for nano-satellites class, which offers best cost-performance ratio, recent developments are enabling bigger size Card Sat like 12U and 16U to be used in upcoming missions.


Key words: small satellites, development, design methodology.




pp._137-142       Image_PDF View full text


Using software and mathematical methods to optimise a bottling flow


Constantin-Rareș DIACONU1,*, Constantin-Adrian POPESCU2, Cicerone Laurențiu POPA3, Emilia-Maria POPESCU4, Costel Emil COTEȚ5


1)  PhD, Robots and Production Systems Dep., National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania

2) Lecturer, PhD, Robots and Production Systems Dep., National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania 

3) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Robots and Production Systems Dep., National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania 

4) Lecturer, PhD, Robots and Production Systems Dep., National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania 

5) Prof., PhD, Robots and Production Systems Dep., National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania 


Abstract: Automating processes has emerged as a significant global trend within the bottling industry, with a rising number of companies now focusing on this aspect. The present study conducted a simulation to optimise a bottling flow using the WITNESS Horizon software. The main objective of increasing the profit was achieved by optimising the bottling flow by modifying working times and implementing two new bottling lines. In addition, another efficient method was presented, which was solved using Kuhn's algorithm to optimise the proposed flow. The system designed in the present study was compared to other systems in the bottling industry market. The research found that the system proposed in this paper was the most efficient as it could complete a whole cycle of bottling and packing ten boxes in a shorter time than the other systems.


Keywords: automation, bottling flow, simulation, algorithm, optimisation.




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