


ISSN 2343–7472

ISSN-L 2067-9238







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Volume 13, Issue 4,  2018




·          Valentina ZAHARIA, Daniela BORDEIANU,

            Cost strategies in manufacturing companies


·          Gheorghe BRABIE, Cosmin GRIGORAŞ, Alin Daniel RIZEA, Constantin CĂRĂUȘU, Anca-Lucia CHICEA, Cătălina MAIER,

            Review of the present technological advance in the field of water jet cutting


·          Miron ZAPCIU, Daniel Petru GHENCEA, Daniela Ioana TUDOSE, Mihail Șerban SINDILE, Alexandru Daniel TUFAN, Petre-Raul GHENCEA,

            Predicting the mechanical system output parameters by applying the artificial neural network method


·          Cozmin CRISTOIU, Adrian NICOLESCU, Bogdan VERDETE,

            Robotic palletizing cell for optimum 5 l water bottles palletizing


·          Bogdan ARSENE, Flavius Aurelian SÂRBU, Gavrilă CALEFARIU,

            Replacing grinding with hard turning ‒ a solution for green machining


·          Cezara COMAN, Mario IVAN, Cozmin CRISTOIU, Bogdan VERDETE,

            Dedicated forward kinematics algorithms for SCARA and palletizing robots


·          Claudiu Florinel BÎȘU, George CONSTANTIN, Ionuț GHIONEA, Adrian GHIONEA, Marcel CIMPOAIE, Ioan SÎRBU,

            Dynamic assessment of retrofitted CNC lathe used for reshaping wheelsets


·          Adrian NICOLESCU, Mario IVAN, Cezara COMAN, Ionuţ BLEDEA,

            Virtual prototyping and programming of a robotic manufacturing cell for wood machining







pp. 157-164               View full text


Cost strategies in manufacturing companies

Valentina ZAHARIA1,*, Daniela BORDEIANU2


1) PhD Student, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

2) PhD Student, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the evolution of the instrumentation in management of accounting and position them in relation to the general principles of the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) method. In first part, it is studied the different uses of management accounting through the literature dealing with the evolution of practices. In this matter, it will be showed that accounting systems historically introverted and impregnated with the accounting today culture to emancipate itself in several directions. These developments allow us to study several techniques focused on marketing and competitive aspects of management, on the inter-organizational dimension and processes. In the second part,, the objective is, to analyze these developments in the light of general principles of the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) method. It is chosen the development on this method because in its foundations, it proposes a resolutely economic orientation of the management intended to assist managers in making decisions taking into account strategic, commercial and industrial contexts. The plan, thus, becomes a driving instrument. The basis of this approach is to redesign those processes that help improve five parameters: product features (product benefit), product quality level, rapid response to customer demand, type of service offered (customer satisfaction), manufacturing costs. The purpose of this article is to study the role of the cost-based strategy in the manufacturing industry. As far as case studies are concerned, the first concerns the cost-optimization process at the level of office activity, the second at the material procurement level, both targeting the Activity Based Costing method.


Key words: cost, manufacture, products, management, profit, steel industry.



pp. 165-170              View full text


Review of the present technological advance in the field of water jet cutting


Gheorghe BRABIE1, Cosmin GRIGORAŞ2,*, Alin Daniel RIZEA3, Constantin CĂRĂUȘU4, Anca-Lucia CHICEA5, Cătălina MAIER6


1) Prof., "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău, Faculty of Engineering, Bacău, Romania

2) Research assistant, "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău, Faculty of Engineering, Bacău, Romania

3) Prof., University of Pitesti, Faculty of Engineering, Piteşti, Romania

4) Prof., Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, Faculty of Engineering, Iași, Romania

5) Prof., University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Faculty of Engineering, Sibiu, Romania

6) Prof., University "Dunărea de Jos" of Galaţi, Faculty of Engineering, Galaţi, Romania



Abstract: Water jet cutting (WJC) is a relative recent technology that has a high interest due to its results. The main advantage in using this flexible non-conventional technology is that there is no heat-affected zone (HAZ). Another particular use of water jet cutting is when machining heat-sensitive, soft or very hard materials and complex 2D or 3D geometry. Water jet cutting is successfully used in industries like aerospace, automotive, electronics, food, munitions demilitarization, textiles. Present studies in this filed reveal the necessity of developing this technology as micro scale water jet machining. The main goal is to develop new technologies in order to approach alternatives like abrasive water jet machining (AWJM), thermally enhanced abrasive (TEAWJM), cryogenic assisted abrasive (CAJM), ice assisted jet machining (IAJM), submerged jet conditions (SJM). Another important aspect is the simulation of abrasive water jet milling (AWJMi). By means of computer simulation software the method combines calculations of particle-workpiece interactions with water jet characteristics. In order for the water jet technology to be efficient parameters like high pressure and velocity, large array of materials, low energy consumption and high productivity has to be achieved. It is also concluded that this technology allows different processes to be integrated into it, making this a hybrid process.


Key words: water jet, hydraulic pressure, machining parameters, flow rate, surface topology, depth of cut.




pp. 171-176               View full text


Predicting the mechanical system output parameters by applying the artificial neural network method


Miron ZAPCIU 1,*, Daniel Petru GHENCEA2, Daniela Ioana TUDOSE3, Mihail Șerban SINDILE4, Alexandru Daniel TUFAN5, Petre-Raul GHENCEA6


1) Prof., PhD, Dept. of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

2) Eng.-Ec., PhD, SC Black Sea Suppliers SRL, Pitești, Romania

3) Lecturer, PhD., Dept. of Materials Resistance, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

4) Eng., PhD, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania

5) Eng.,PhD, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

6) Ec., PhD Student, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: The paper aims to simplify the experimental research activity of the mechanical systems behavior and to perform a prediction of the output parameters of the system, in case of a stable behavior of the system, with the preservation of data known as input parameters. The prediction will be valid for at least two output variables that are interdependent. The proposed algorithm is: setting the characteristics of the ANN network: no. of layers, no. the nodes, the transfer function, the number of training cycles; validation of the ANN architecture; the prediction of two output parameters in interdependence.


Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, prediction of parameters, regression coefficient.




pp. 177-182                   View full text



Robotic palletizing cell for optimum 5 l water bottles palletizing



1)Assist. Prof., PhD student, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania

2) Professor, PhD, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania

3)Assist. Prof., PhD student, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: The paper presents the conceptual design, virtual prototype achievement and the real physically system implementation of a robotic palletizing cell. The system includes an own (original) designed robotic gripper and sorting system, both of them integrated with standard conveyors, used in a 5 litter water bottle palletizing application. The overall robotic palletizing cell and included sub-systems models were custom made designed following us the specification supplied by a water bottler Romanian client (“Bucovina”) and implemented in beneficiary's manufacturing facility as an "end of line" water bottles robotic palletizing cell for the existing manufacturing line of 5 liters plastic water bottles(PETs).


Key words: robotic palletizing cell, palletizing gripper, sorting system, water bottles.



pp. 183-187              View full text



Replacing grinding with hard turning ‒ a solution for green machining


Bogdan ARSENE1,*, Flavius Aurelian SÂRBU2, Gavrilă CALEFARIU3


1) PhD Student, Department of Engineering and Industrial Management, "Transilvania" University, Brasov, Romania

2) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Department of Engineering and Industrial Management, "Transilvania" University, Brasov, Romania

3) Prof., PhD, Department of Engineering and Industrial Management, "Transilvania" University, Brasov, Romania



Abstract: The global competition forces the manufacturing industry players to permanently innovate, thus the pressure for eco-friendly and sustainable products arise. Once with the occurrence of novel geometries, materials and coatings for cutting tools as well as the development of high precision machine-tools hard turning has quickly become an important alternative for replacing grinding in many applications. The concerns for this solution have started about one decade ago and are applied in top-industries with a strong focus on competitiveness. This paper contains a systematic study of replacing grinding with hard turning which highlights the advantages, the challenges and some possible solutions to meet challenges, stresses the environment benefits of this phenomenon and provides quantitative models for determining the limits and conditions of using hard turning, incorporating both the relevant experiences presented in literature and the author’s direct researches previously disseminated.


Key words: hard turning, cost-effective, green machining, vegetable oils.



pp. 189-194              View full text



Dedicated forward kinematics algorithms for scara and palletizing robots


Cezara COMAN1, Mario IVAN2,*, Cozmin CRISTOIU3, Bogdan VERDETE4


1) 2) Lect., PhD, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania

3), 4) Assist. Prof., PhD Student, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: This paper presents the development and validation of optimized mathematical algorithms for solving the forward kinematics problem in the case of two industrial robot architectures: SCARA and palletizing robots. While there are well established methods for describing the position and orientation of mechanism links with respect to a reference frame – in the case of industrial robots, the base frame – these algorithms, such as the Denavit-Hartenberg convention or the quaternion approach, are very flexible and applicable for all industrial robots with serial architecture. Thus, these algorithms do not necessarily provide the most efficient approach in all cases. Since there are certain kinematic particularities for each robot architecture, this article intends to exploit the specific structural properties of SCARA and palletizing robots in order to develop more efficient, dedicated algorithms for solving the forward kinematics equations. For each algorithm, the input parameters were considered to be the distance between axes and joint parameters, while the output parameters were considered to be the x, y and z coordinates of the tool center point with respect to the base frame, as well as a rotation matrix expressing the orientation of the tool center point frame with respect to the base frame of the robot. The algorithms were validated using the Catia V5 software by using the DMU Kinematics module to configure the robot kinematics.


Key words: forward kinematics, mathematical algorithm, SCARA robot, palletizing robot, kinematic validation.



pp. 195-201              View full text



Dynamic assessment of retrofitted NC lathe used for reshaping wheelsets


Claudiu Florinel BÎȘU1,*, George CONSTANTIN2, Ionuț GHIONEA3, Adrian GHIONEA4,



1, 3) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Eng., Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 

2, 4) Prof., PhD, Eng., Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania

5) Eng. Universal Equipment Projects SRL, Bacau, Romania

6) Eng., SC Uzina de Vagoane Aiud SA, Aiud, Romania



Abstract: The paper presents the requirements and achievements in a frame of a research project for the retrofitting of a lathe in order to optimize the reshaping on CNC machine tools and increase the traffic safety. It presents the main objectives that have been achieved, with the evaluation of the existing machine in the conventional form, the technical aspects regarding the wear of the used rolling surfaces, the analysis of the new solutions of the radial and longitudinal feed drives, design calculations, choice of the drive motors, CAD modeling and multibody and FEA simulation. The feed drives were designed and assembled on the machine structure along with some components removing. The machine was equipped with numerical control equipment and with surface measuring device before and after processing. Geometric precision measurements have been performed and also the assessment of the idle and cutting operation both on the old machine and on the modernized one. Analyzes of the results and comparisons of the behavior of the refabricated machine tool have been achieved.


Key words: lathe, railway wheelset, machining, feed drive, design, retrofitting, dynamic behaviour.



pp. 203-210              View full text



Virtual prototyping and programming of a robotic manufacturing cell for wood machining


Adrian NICOLESCU1*, Mario IVAN 2, Cezara COMAN3, Ionuţ BLEDEA4


1)  Prof., PhD, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, "Politehnica" Univeristy of Bucharest, Romania

1, 2, 3) Lect. PhD. eng., MSP department, "Politehnica"Univeristy of Bucharest, Romania

4) PhD Student, Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: This paper presents the virtual prototyping and simulation of a robotic manufacturing cell for machining wood panel doors. The machining task is focused towards performing milling and drilling operations for hinge slots and door lock cavity. First, based on a study regarding the state of the art in this field, the most efficient structure of the flexible manufacturing cell was chosen. Thus, the cell included a roller conveyor which provides input and output to the cell, a gantry robot for door handling, a three axis workpiece positioner and an articulated arm robot equipped with self-driven tools and tool changer for machining operations. The layout of the application was then modeled as a 2D top view of the robotic cell. The 3D virtual model of the entire application was then developed using Catia V5 software. Validation for the layout of the cell, robot integration and system functionality were performed through kinematic modeling in Catia’s DMU Kinematics module. In the final stage of the project, the structure of the required programming for the flexible manufacturing cell was developed, showing the logical structure and signal configuration of the application. The signals were correlated with application events, ensuring communication between the various cell components.


Key words: robotic machining, wood panel door, flexible manufacturing cell, virtual prototyping, robot programming.


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