ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067-9238 |
□ Volume 14, Issue 1, 2019
High pressure cooler for cutting tools and work pieces
Task-oriented off-line parametric programming of an industrial robot serving CNC
Tudor George ALEXANDRU, Mircea Gabriel
Ani BONEVA, Zlatoliliya ILCHEVA,
A basic platform and electronics interfaces board for
family therapeutics tools to surgical robots
George ENCIU, Adrian POPESCU, George
System for documents securing and intelligent management
Cloud based cutting tool load monitoring and control system
High pressure
cooler for cutting tools and work pieces Dan PRODAN1,*,
George CONSTANTIN2, Anca BUCURESTEANU3 1, 2, 3) Prof., PhD, Eng., Robots
and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica"
of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: This paper presents a part of the
theoretical and experimental researches carried out on the design and
realization of a high-pressure cooling installation for turning centers.
Besides the general theoretical aspects, adaptable to most of the existing
machine tools, the work emphasizes especially those of modern machine tools
(CNC), which are processing with high cutting speeds, in the case of series and
mass productions. The projected and designed installation is designed for a
turning machining center based on a SC14 vertical lathe and allows the tool
and the semi-product to be cooled by program control from the outside of the
tool and, where appropriate, through the inside of the tool. The authors
present some aspects of the necessity and the advantages of using this
installation, and also the scheme and its construction. Key words: turning machining center, high-pressure cooling equipment, hydraulic installation.
off-line parametric programming of an industrial robot serving CNC lathes
George VOSNIAKOS1,*,
Charlotte LASSIME2 1) Prof., Manufacturing
Technology Section, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical
University of Athens, Greece 2) Dipl. Eng., Manufacturing Technology Section, School
of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece 3) M. Eng., Manufacturing Technology Section, School of
Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece 4) Dipl. Eng., Ecole National
d’ Ingenieurs de St Etienne (ENISE), Saint-Etienne,
France 5) Dipl. Eng., Ecole National
d’ Ingenieurs de St Etienne (ENISE), Saint-Etienne,
France Abstract: Industrial robotic arms are often employed in machine tool tending. If
the scope of programming is restricted to a specific machine tool type, the
tasks involved become standard to a large extent. Therefore, the
corresponding movements can be parametrically described and linked to the
shape of the particular machine tool tended. Thus, a ‘master’ robot
trajectory and corresponding robot program in the supported language can be
parametrically defined off-line by making use of a simplified 3D model of the
machine tool and an accurate 3D model of the robot. Subsequently, this can be
easily tailored to the particular machine tool of the given type by simply
updating the respective parameter values. This process has been implemented
and demonstrated for a six axis industrial robot tending computer numerically
controlled lathes. Key words: robot programming, parametric, tasks, off-line, simulation.
15-20 Maintaining a
subtle balance between conservative and precise solutions in the aerospace
static concession processes Tudor George
ALEXANDRU1,*, Mircea Gabriel BURTOIU2,
Robert RUSU3 1,3) Eng., PhD Student, Aerospace Stress Engineer, Assystem Technologies, Bucharest, Romania 2) Eng., Aerospace Stress Engineer, Assystem
Technologies, Bucharest, Romania Abstract: The Static Stress represents a main task
of the aerospace concessions workflow that is used to address the impact of
manufacturing non-conformities on local and global criteria. The process
benefits from conservatism, being most of the times a fast way to prove that
a non-conformal part can withstand damage. Even so, critically loaded
components are already subject to conservative assumptions that are applied
in the certification stage. As a consequence, the results achieved are
unrealistic, lowering the amount of conservatism demanding for extra time and
economic resources. To cope with these aspects, an approach is proposed
involving the use of parametric finite element method models for studying the
variation of mechanical stresses due to possible non-conformity thresholds.
Knock Down Factor charts are developed based on the effect of load
redistribution. The approach can successfully be re-used for similar types of
non-conformities. The given concepts are proved by means of practical
examples throughout the work. Key words: aerospace, concessions, DFEM, GFEM, Patran,
A basic platform
and electronics
interfaces board for family therapeutics tools to surgical robots Veronika IVANOVA1,*, Ditchko BATCHVAROV2, Ani
BONEVA3, Zlatoliliya ILCHEVA4, 1) Assist. Prof. PhD
Student, Department of Robotized Executive Mechanisms and Intelligent
Systems, 2) Mag. Math., Department
of Communication Systems and Services, Institute of Information and
Communication Technologies, 3) Assist. 4) Assoc. Prof., PhD,
Department of Communication Systems and Services, Institute of Information
and Communication Technologies, Abstract: Robotic technologies are advancing in the
field of minimally invasive surgery. The last decade, more than 1.5 million
laparoscopic surgical procedures, including gynecologic, cardiac, urology,
thoracic, and general surgery, have been performed by popular robotic and
mechatronic systems for minimally invasive surgery. In contrast to big
popular robot systems, which are designed for manipulation and video observation,
this paper describes a novel instrument for therapy. The purpose of the paper
is to present the design of a compact, convenient, simplified, better, and
affordable priced device, so that small hospitals can access and benefit from
these systems. The ultimate goal is to radically improve the quality and
efficiency of healthcare. Key words: robot system; therapeutics tasks; surgery,
therapeutics tools, laparoscopic surgery.
pp. 27-32
System for
documents securing and intelligent management George ENCIU
1,*, Adrian POPESCU2, George CONSTANTIN3, Emilia
POPESCU4 1) Prof., PhD, Robots and Production Systems
Department, University "Politehnica" of
Bucharest, Romania 2) Lecturer, PhD, Robots and Production Systems
Department, University "Politehnica" of
Bucharest, Romania 3) Prof. PhD, Robots and Production Systems Department,
University "Politehnica" of Bucharest,
Romania 4) Assistant Prof., PhD, Robots and Production Systems
Department, University "Politehnica" of
Bucharest, Romania Abstract: The use of the RFID technology in all
engineering-specific areas is no longer a novelty, this technology being
employed today for documents securing and management. This paper presents an
integrated system of documents securing and management, with the emphasis on
its components (intelligent paper, specialized software computer, printer,
reading mode, office mini-archive and the storage and management system of
the archive-type printed documents) and the TagDoc
specialized software application (TagDoc Print, TagDoc Write, TagDoc Card, TagDoc Arch, TagDoc MiniArchive). The general architecture specific to the
system is also presented, by highlighting the distinct areas within it: the
access module, the documents securing module and the intelligent archive
module. At the end of the paper, a use case is presented that points out how
to secure a document by showing all the stages needed to secure and print the
RFID tagged document, which can be tracked throughout the life cycle of the
electronic chip. Key words: RFID, intelligent paper, TagDoc, printer,
pp. 33-38
Cloud based cutting tool load monitoring and control system Uros ZUPERL1,*,
Miha KOVACIC2 1) Assoc. Prof., University
of Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor, Slovenia 2) Assoc. Prof., Štore Steel, Štore, Slovenia Abstract: This paper
presents a cloud based cutting tool load monitoring and control system for
machining of functionally graded metal materials. This is a cutting tool load
control system which connects the computing and service resources in the
cloud with the physical resources in the factory level and thus forming a
cyber-physical monitoring system (CPMoS) for
milling. The two level CPMoS with the ability to
connect the cyber world with the physical world via sensors and actuators is
realized in order to maintain the cutting tool load constant by digital adaptation
of machining parameters. The CPMoS provides a novel
way to compensate all disturbances during the cutting process by controlling
the cutting tool loads through cloud technologies. The cloud part of the CPMoS performs seven actions: sensing, information
processing, edge computing, tool load data analysis and modeling, supervised
monitoring, data visualization and process correction. An artificial neural
network is applied to precisely model and in-process estimate the maximal and
average tool loads. The physical layer consist of a CNC machine tool,
piezoelectric dynamometer and local terminal which acquire, pre-process and
transmit the signals from the dynamometer to the IoT
gateway in the cloud platform. The special interest of future activities is
to perform machining experiments in order to test the feasibility of the CPMoS for tool load monitoring in end-milling. Key words: machining, end milling, cloud technologies, cutting tool load, control, monitoring.
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