ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067-9238 |
Volume 14, Issue 1, 2019 · Sebastian SCHÖTZ, Bernd ROSEMANN, Sophia Elisabeth REISER, Relevant data when implementing tools of quality in
cyber-physical systems · Mihail BORDEANU, Gabriel FRUMUŞANU, Nicolae
OANCEA, Graphical & analytical modeling of the cutting scheme used to
generate square holes with slotting tools having periodic profile · Gicu-Călin
DEAC, Crina Narcisa GEORGESCU, Cicerone Laurențiu POPA, Costel Emil COTEȚ,
Florina CHISCOP, New method for sending data to the cloud From an
OPC UA client application Error of the threaded surface minor diameter due to the position of the
threading tool nose Video working instruction system · Ancuța
SIMION, Adrian Florin NICOLESCU, Cristina PUPĂZĂ, AS/RS automated storage system with mixed palletizing – offline
simulation pp.
Relevant data when implementing tools of quality in cyber-physical systems Sebastian
SCHÖTZ1,*, Bernd ROSEMANN2, Sophia Elisabeth REISER3 1) Dr.-Ing., Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany 2) Dr.-Ing., Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany 3) M.Sc., University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany Abstract: Tools of quality aim to increase the quality in manufacturing systems
and hence, maintain or even improve the competitiveness of enterprises. A
promising approach to gain the effectiveness of tools of quality is the
implementation of these tools in cyber-physical systems. However, there is a
gap of knowledge when it comes to such an implementation – in particular
concerning the relevant data of the tools of quality. In order to deal with
this issue, this paper presents results from an examination of seven tools of
quality regarding their relevant data when it comes to an implementation in a cyber-physical system.
Firstly, different key characteristic of cyber-physical systems are carved
out, which have to be considered. Then, seven basic tools of quality are
examined in detail in order to identify their specific relevant data. The
identified data are sorted into the categories basic data, input data and
output data. Subsequently, an approach for a systematic identification of
data flows between the tools of quality based on a pairwise evaluation is
described. Moreover, major data flows between tools of quality are proposed.
Finally, findings of a practical implementation of tools of quality in a cyber-physical
system are presented. It has been proven that a real-time capability as well
as a location-independence can be achieved when tools of quality are
implemented in cyber-physical systems under consideration of the data
identified in this paper.
Key words: Cyber-physical systems, production optimization, quality management, data examination, quality improvement, manufacturing systems.
pp. 49-54
Graphical &
analytical modeling of the cutting scheme used to generate square holes with slotting tools having periodic profile Mihail BORDEANU1, Gabriel FRUMUŞANU2,*, Nicolae OANCEA3 1) PhD Student, Manufacturing Engineering Department, "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi, Romania 2), 3) Prof., PhD, Manufacturing Engineering Department, "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi, Romania Abstract: The machining of interior surfaces having non-involute profile, by rolling method, with slotting tools generating by enwrapping, leads to an important variation of the detached chips area. This further leads to the uneven loading of tool cutting edges, from energetic point of view, with negative consequences in what concerns the tool wear or the elastic deformation of both tool and machined part, which, at its turn, causes machining errors. At the same time, the uneven loading of the machine tool mobile parts worsen the manufacturing system functionality. This paper addresses the case of generating square holes with slotting tools having periodic profile. It presents an analytical method for tool profiling and the graphical modeling in CATIA of the cutting scheme, when machining with constant circular feed. On this base, the machining process smoothening can be obtained by subsequently adopting a variable circular feed of the rolling motion, such as the detached chips have constant area in frontal section. A numerical application concerning an actual case is also included. Key words: square hole
machining, slotting tools with periodic profile, graphical modeling, constant
area of detached chips, circular feed variation law. pp. 55-60
New method for
sending data to the cloud from an OPC UA client application Gicu-Călin DEAC1,*, Crina Narcisa GEORGESCU2, Cicerone Laurențiu POPA3, Costel Emil COTEȚ4, Florina CHISCOP5 1) PhD Student, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 3) Associate Prof., PhD, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 4) Prof., PhD, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 5) Lecturer, Ph.D., Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: The present paper presents a new
method for sending data to the cloud from a Client OPC UA Application (Open
Platform Communications Unified Architecture), using PNG images as a medium.
The data values encoded as pixel colors of images, using different encoding
methods for each data type (text, integer, float, Boolean) are also encrypted
using an image as a symmetric encryption key and are stored in the cloud in a
time base folder structure. This method of sending and storing the data using
an encrypted image format assure a better data compression, security and speed,
compared with the actual JSON format which is text based and open. Based on
the stored image files can be generated some index image files containing the
data values of each property (sensor value) for a chunk of time, in this way
reducing the total number of images and increase the compression of data,
because of the small allocation space on disk and similarity of data that are
better compressed by the LZW compression algorithm of PNG image format. This
indexed image file can replace the actual SQL or NoSQL databases and can be
read by multithreaded agents using multicore processors for faster
interrogation and easily replicated to other servers by copying the new
generated files. Key words: IIoT, OPC
UA, Big Data, Cloud, Data encryption. . pp. 61-66 Error of the
threaded surface minor diameter due to the position of the threading tool
nose Adriana MUNTEANU1, Laurenţiu SLĂTINEANU2, Ionel COMAN3, Gheorghe NAGÎŢ4,*, Adelina HRIŢUC5, Ana Maria BOCĂNEŢ6, and Irina BEŞLIU BĂNCESCU7 1) Assoc. Prof., PhD, Department of Machine Tools and Tools, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 2) Prof., PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 3) PhD Student, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 4) Prof., PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 5) Master Student, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 6) Lecturer, PhD, Department of Machine Tools and Tools, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 7) Lecturer, PhD, “Ştefan cel Mare”, Department of Mechanics and Technology, University of Suceava, Romania Abstract: The threads are surfaces commonly
used when demountable joints are necessary. Some of the threading methods
involve the use of threading tools on a lathe. The accuracy of the threaded
surfaces depends on the positioning of the threading tool relative to the
workpiece axial plane. In order to evaluate the influence of the positioning
the threading tool nose on some accuracy parameters of the threaded surfaces,
a theoretical model was established on the base of geometric considerations.
The model highlights the influence of the distance between the threading tool
nose and the workpiece axial plane on the value of the threaded surface minor
diameter. Since the model does not offer a direct image concerning the
intensity of the influence exerted by the threading tool nose position on the
value of the threaded surface minor diameter, a power type model was also
established considering the initial geometric model. To experimentally
investigate the influence exerted by distinct rotations and displacement of
the threading tool around and along the axes of a Cartesian coordinate
system, a device for controlled changing of the position of the threading
tool was designed and achieved. The preliminary experimental research proved
the possibilities of using such a device to investigate the influence exerted
by the positioning of the threading tool on the parameters specific to a
threaded surface. Key words: threaded
surfaces, accuracy, threading tool position, geometric model, power type
model, experimental device. pp. 67-72 Video working
instruction system Crina Narcisa GEORGESCU1,
Gicu-Călin DEAC 2, Florina CHISCOP3, Cicerone Laurențiu POPA4,*,
Costel Emil COTEȚ5 1) Ph.D. Student, Robots and Production Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 2) Ph.D. Student, Robots and Production Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 3) Lecturer, Ph.D., Robots and Production Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 4) Associate Prof., Ph.D., Robots and Production Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 5) Prof. Ph.D., Robots and Production Systems Department, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: The present paper presents a new
working instruction system placed on the assembly line, composed by few
synchronized video displays for providing interactive procedural instructions
and a QR (Quick Response) code web-based application for gathering additional
information and publishing comments, requests, and evaluation. This system
helps operators memorize and perform operations correctly, respecting the
recommended time at each workstation, ultimately increasing productivity and
reducing scrapping on the assembly line. Two questionnaire based surveys were
conducted in order to evaluate the proposed video working instruction system
and to evaluate the work carried out within the workstations. Results
indicate that the proposed system is more efficient, increases productivity,
produces a lower level of waste and is accessible to users. Keywords: Working
Instructions, QR code, signage, assembly line, digitalization.
pp. 73-80 AS/RS automated
storage system with mixed palletizing – offline simulation Ancuța SIMION1,*, Adrian Florin
NICOLESCU2, Cristina PUPĂZĂ3 1) PhD Student,
Numerical Simulation Specialist, NVH Dept., Renault Technologie Roumanie,
Bucharest, Romania 2) 3) Prof.
PhD, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Dept., University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania Abstract: The study is realized during the
bachelor project developed for robotics specialization and presents the mixed
palletizing operation into the automated storage system, called AS/RS. The
paper is based on the research through which the industrial robots integrated
in the system and process are analyzed, end-effectors which can be used,
possibility to load-unload the highest storage, types of objects that can be
palletized or how the order will be on pallets. The most important step was
to see what other companies developed and how they integrated the entire
systems in the process. That involved a lot of work and research to find
patents, scientific articles, animation and how the automated storage system
can be improved. It was studied the patent developed by the Bastian Company,
which had an automated storage system with mixed palletizing. In the patent
it could not be found the loading-unloading system, shuttle system, and
pallets supplier. Almost all systems were shaped and designed in NX-CAD
software, except conveyors, industrial robots and translation module produced
by ABB Company. After that, all components were loaded in the Process
Simulate – dedicated software for achieving offline simulation. Key words: industrial robot, mixed
palletizing, storage system, offline simulation, Process Simulate. Electronic mail: |