ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067-9238 |
Volume 14, Issue 3, 2019
Cozmin CRISTOIU, Mario IVAN, George DEAC, Robert NASTASE,
control with custom controller firmware for brushed DC motors
Constantin DUMITRAȘCU, Adrian
Teodora Daniela CHICIOREANU,
Nicoleta LITOIU,
Klaudius SILHAR,
Age management in adult education policy in Slovakia
Răzvan RĂCHERU, George
Thermal digital plates versus process free plates in heatset web
PID control with custom
controller firmware for brushed DC motors
Cozmin CRISTOIU1,*,
Mario IVAN2, George DEAC3,
Robert NASTASE4, 1)
Assist. Prof., PhD
Student, Robotics and Production Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 3)
Student, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 4)
Student, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents the
conceptual design, virtual prototype achievement and the real physical
system implementation of a test stand for electric motor cascading PID
control using a modified firmware version of an ODrive motor controller in
order to control both, brushless and brushed DC electric motors. The goal of
this firmware update and of the tests that are presented
in the paper is to show that this new firmware upgrade allows brushed
DC motors to be PID controlled by the ODrive controller board and not only
the brushless motors for which the board was initially developed. The
project was developed in four stages. During the first stage the core system
components – the brushed DC motor, the controller and the encoder – were
integrated and the issue of correct impulse reading was addressed. During
the second stage the experimental stand was built. In the third stage, the
PID control algorithm was implemented. The fourth stage consisted of
measurements regarding the angular accuracy of the motor spindle positioning
using the previously developed algorithm. The initial version of the
controller board is dedicated only to brushless motors, but with current
firmware upgrade the cheaper brushed motors can be PID controlled
proficiently. The firmware upgrade will also allow low latency
force-feedback that will allow future improvements and control optimization.
Results from testing of the positioning closed loop control are presented.
pp. 91-96
Enabling political conditions for an implementation of upskilling pathways
for adult population in Italy
Claudio Maria VITALI
pp. 97-106
Experimental investigation
of an IRB 120 robot thermal behavior for heat sources and thermal field
distribution identification Constantin DUMITRAȘCU1,
Adrian Florin NICOLESCU2*, Cozmin CRISTOIU3 1)
PhD, Eng., Department Quality Engineering and Industrial Technologies,
University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 2)
PhD, Prof., Department of Robots and Manufacturing Systems, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 3)
Assistant professor, PhD Student, Department of Robots and Manufacturing
Systems, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents
original approach on
experimental research on
industrial robot thermal behavior. The experiments were developed in the ABB
National Centre for direct and assisted programming of industrial robots,
from Department of Robots and Manufacturing Systems, Faculty of Industrial
Engineering and Robotics, Politehnica University of Bucharest. The
experimental research had as main purpose to verify the preliminary
assumptions regarding main heat sources in IR’s thermal behavior and thermal
field distribution on IR’s main partially assemblies. The experimentally
research has been conducted following up specific requirements of ISO
9283-1998 Manipulating industrial robots ‒ Performance criteria and related
test methods were focused on preliminary experimentally evaluation of an ABB
IRB 140 industrial robot by mean of an infrared ThermaCam SC 640 equipment
for two different speed ranges working cycles. Main results obtained from
experimental research and data processing confirm initially assumption on
heat sources identification and supply important information about thermal
field distribution. Specific external maximum temperature of each IR’s
partially assembly and the thermal field distribution on each IR’s partially
assembly were clearly identified as well as their temperature variations
along both specific programmed experimentally work cycles. Further
applicative research (FEM) and experimentally works (with laser tracker
system) will be performed for future evaluation of the specific thermal
displacements of IR’s tool center point along same working cycles.
pp. 107-112
Developing the adult education
training programs through educational projects: lessons learned and
Teodora Daniela CHICIOREANU1,
Nicoleta LITOIU2 1)
Prof., PhD, Department for Teaching Career and Social Sciences, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania 2)
Prof., PhD, Department for Teaching Career and Social Sciences, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Among other research centers of University "Politehnica"
of Bucharest, the CAMIS Centre has
participated in several international educational projects, financed by
European Union, on domains such as: Welding technologies, Circular Economy,
3D Printing, Augmented Reality. By request, the interested adults can follow
one or more professional training program, free of charge, by accessing the
online e-learning CAMIS platform. This paper presents some feedback results
of the training program which has been designed and implemented in the
Project Circular €conomy Digital Training Toolbox to foster Innovative Green
Entrepreneurs ‒ Eng@ge Project - together with experienced partners from
Spain, Greece, Malta, UK, Bulgaria. More details can be found on the Project
website (
The training program designed
during the implementation of this European Project can be attended in five
different languages (English, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Spanish). In
this way, an increased number of adults could benefit from accessing the
training program in order to change economy by developing their skills in
the specific areas of expertise. Accordingly, the set of tools developed by
the Project experts is complex and useful in various types of learning
situations as well as suitable for different needs of adults who want to
learn about Circular Economy.
By direct observation of the
participants’ reactions during the training sessions and by analyzing the
participants’ feedback, the project experts were able to change the content
of program or to validate their judgments related to the changes necessary
to be made. For example, the training program has been transformed and can
be offered into an e-learning course, as well.
pp. 113-118
management in adult education policy
in Slovakia
Klaudius SILHAR1
1) Ph.D., President, Association of Adult Education Institutions, Bratislava, Slovakia 2) Assist. Prof., Ph.D., Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
The research study addresses the demographic trend of
population aging which is at the beginning of the 21st century not only a
social risk but also a significant social challenge. Responding to the need
for fair access to employees of different ages in employers' organizations
is the concept of age management which originated in Finland in the early
1980s. Age management covers the different dimensions of human resource
management within an organization, with an emphasis on adequate
representation of age groups. In this context, the intention is to increase
the readiness of employers' organizations to create an environment with
adequate representation of individual age groups, to create working
conditions "friendly to the elderly" and to apply forms and methods of
education with respect to the age specifics of the workforce. The study was
based on the absence of a politically guided approach to the application of
age management in the field of human resources management in employers'
organizations in Slovakia. The aim of the study is therefore to define the
competency framework for an age management advisor for the needs of
employers' organizations and their employees when implementing age
management practices. The study has a theoretical-empirical character. The
theoretical and methodological bases of the studied subject are the
biodromal concept of human development, the theory of lifelong learning, the
theory of intergenerational learning, the theory of activity and the theory
of continuity.
In the theoretical part,
the research focuses on the analysis of relevant age-related resources
(transnational and national policy papers, research studies and examples of
good practice). The study also
provides an overview of the demographic situation in Slovakia,
which confirms the trend of population aging, as well. A questionnaire was
selected for data collection in the empirical part of the research.
aging population, age management, age management advice, adult learning,
education policy, human development.
pp. 119-123
digital plates versus process free plates in heatset
web offset
1) Prof., PhD, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
2, 3) PhD Student, Robots and Manufacturing Systems Department, University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
This paper presents conclusions derived from testing
the new type of process free plates during normal production runs obtained
on offsets, heatset type printing machine, compared to developed thermal
digital plates. The plates were compared based on quality of the print,
durability and cost effectiveness. On the surface of the plate there are
printing areas and non-printing zones that behave differently. The printing
areas are oleophilic and at the same time hydrophobic to which the ink
adheres. Non-printing zones have an opposite behaviour being hydrophilic and
thus oleophobic. In order to achieve the required quality of the printed
product, the developed thermal digital plates have to be very stable across
the tonal range and the normal life cycle of the developing solution in the
processor bath. With the process free plates, there is no need to develop
the plates, the removal of the nonprinting coating being done under the
action of the dampening solution present on the printing machine rollers. Electronic mail: |