ISSN 2067-9238 |
George CONSTANTIN Adrian GHIONEA Series Editorial
Team Emilia BĂLAN Sorin Mihai CROITORU Costel Emil COTEŢ Editorial Council Traian AURITE, Alain GERARD, Csaba GYENGE, Florin IONESCU, Constantin ISPAS, Branko KATALINIK, Stanislav LEGUTKO, Aurel OPREAN, Eugen PAY, Daniel PLAY Bucharest, 2011 University “Politehnica” of Bucharest Machines and Production Systems Department Splaiul Independenţei 313, sector 6 060032 Bucureşti, România Tel: (+4021) 402 94 20 E-mail:
Editura Academiei Române Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5 050711 Bucureşti, România Tel.: (4021) 318 81 46, (4021) 318 81 06, Fax:
(4021) 318 24 44 E-mail: Peer reviewers: Aurel OPREAN, Alain GERARD, Daniel PLAY Editorial assistant: Irina FILIP Computerized editing: George CONSTANTIN, Mariana ŞERBĂNESCU Gheorghe AMZA, Romania Traian AURITE, Romania Laurean BOGDAN, Romania Octavian BOLOGA, Romania Iooan BONDREA, Romania Gheorghe BRABIE, Romania Daniel BRUN-PICARD, France Olivier CAHUC, France Gavrilă CALEFARIU, Romania Ilie CATANĂ, Romania George CONSTANTIN, Romania Radu COTEŢIU, Romania George DOBRE, Romania George DRĂGHICI, Romania Gabriel FUMUŞANU, Romania Alain GERARD, France Adrian GHIONEA, Romania Marius GURAN, Romania Csaba GYENGE, Romania Florin IONESCU, Germany Sorin IONESCU, Romania Mihaiela ILIESCU, Romania Kostadin KOSTADINOV, Bulgaria Ivan KURIC, Slovakia Stanislav LEGUTKO, Poland Nicolae MARINESCU, Romania Josef NOVAK-MARCINCIN, Slovak Republic Constantin MINCIU, Romania Sevasti MITZI, Grece Vasile NĂSUI, Romania Tadeusy NIESZPOREK, Poland Nicolae OANCEA, Romania Viorel PĂUNOIU, Romania Daniel PLAY, France Nicolae PREDINCEA, Romania Dan PRODAN, Romania Ştefan Dan PASTRAMĂ, Romania Tomasz RYDZKOWSKI, Poland Jean François RIGAL, France Ion SIMIONESCU, Romania Laurenţiu SLĂTINEANU, Romania Ştefan STAICU, Romania Constantin STĂNCESCU, Romania Eugen STRĂJESCU, Romania Ioan TĂNASE, Romania Miron ZAPCIU, Romania |
□ Volume 6, Issue 2, 2011
· Laurenţiu SLĂTINEANU, Ştefan
POTÂRNICHE, Margareta COTEAŢĂ, Irina GRIGORAŞ (BEŞLIU), Lorelei GHERMAN and Florin NEGOESCU, Surface roughness at aluminium parts sand blasting · Rozmarína DUBOVSKÁ, Jozef MAJERÍK, Henrieta CHOCHLÍKOVÁ, Physico-chemical
state stabilization of high strength steels machined surface
· Katarína Monková, Ján Goban, Štefan Gašpar, Data input and data implementation for NC programs Method of increasing the sampling rate of the PIC
microcontrollers analog to digital converter · Radek
HAVLIK, Christophe VARNIER, Alena GOTTWALDOVA, Noureddine
ZERHOUNI, Frantisek MANLIG5, Multi-criteria scheduling approach for e-maintenance · Valerian
SALFELD, Richard KRIMM, Thorsten MATTHIAS, Bernd-Arno BEHRENS, Investigation on the process-machine
interaction by forming parts with sheet-bulk metal forming · Jozef
Augmented virtual reality
Path planning algorithm for
Hydro-MiNa robot operating in micro and nano environments Increased rigidity solutions for
C-frame mechanical presses Updates in machine tools technology
1) Professor, PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 2) PhD student, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 3) Teaching assistant, PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing
Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 4) Junior teaching assistant, PhD student, Department of Management and
Technology, University “Ştefan cel Mare” of Suceava-Romania 5) Eng., Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, “Gheorghe
Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania 6) Lecturer, PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania Abstract: The aluminum and its alloys
are materials which found a large extend in machine building. For various
reasons, the workpieces made of aluminum and aluminum alloys are sometimes
subjects of blasting operations. Under the action of the abrasive particles
directed to the workpieces surfaces, phenomena of plastic deformation, and
material removing could develop. As result, the surface roughness changes;
the paper presents some considerations concerning such phenomena generated at
the impact of the abrasive particles with the workpiece material.
Experimental researches were also developed in order to better understand the
influence exerted by certain operating factors on the parameters of surface
roughness. On the basis of the experimental researches, empirical
mathematical models were determined and discussed. Key words: aluminum, sand blasting, phenomena, surface roughness, experimental research, empirical mathematical models.
physico-chemical state STABILIZATION of high strength steels machined surface Rozmarína DUBOVSKÁ1,*, Jozef MAJERÍK2, Henrieta CHOCHLÍKOVÁ3 1) Prof., Ing., DrSc., Professor, Department of technical subjects,
University of Hradec Kralove, Czech republic 2) Ing., PhD., Lecturer, Department of technical subjects, University of
Hradec Kralove, Czech republic 3) Ing., PhD Student, Department of technical subjects, University of
Hradec Kralove, Czech republic Abstract: The aim of this
contribution was to assess the impact of cutting speed in grinding quality of the test samples surface layer of heat-and
chemically processed steel. To fulfil these objectives experimental and computational methods have been
achieved, including statistical evaluation. Technology grinding was performed without cooling recess manner. The
grinding wheels-porous A9980K9V and A9980K13V were used. As machined
materials the followings were selected: tool steel 19436.4, cemented and hardened steel 14109.4 and 16420.4. The
steel hardness is in the range of HRC = 61 ÷ 62. The work follows the qualitative indicators to assess the integrity of the most common
finished surfaces. These characteristics create conditions for
influencing the fatigue strength, wear, corrosion stability, and
quality. Key words: speed grinding, surface integrity, porosity, microgeometry, microhardness and surface hardening, microstructure, cutting forces.
Data input and data implementation for NC programS
Katarína Monková1,*, Ján
Goban2, Štefan Gašpar3 1) assoc. prof., Eng. MSc., PhD., lecturer, Department of Technological Devices
Design, FMT TU Košice with seat in Prešov, Prešov Slovakia 2) Eng. MSc., PhD., assistant prof., Department of Technological Devices
Design, FMT TU Košice with seat in Prešov, Prešov Slovakia 3) Eng. MSc., PhD., assistant prof., Department of Technological Devices
Design, FMT TU Košice with seat in Prešov, Prešov Slovakia Abstract: The article deals with the
data input and data implementation for NC program. To store all information
about production is very important today. It represents know-how of the plant
what is the basis of its competitiveness. The flexible and continuous
exchanging of information within the plant enables the increasing of
production efficiency. The utilization of CAD/CAM system for NC data obtaining
is suitable mainly at the complex shaped parts machining, where the accurate
dimensions are unknown during the whole process production. Key words: NC program, format, postprocessor, data, CAD/CAM.
1) Professor, PhD, Mechatronics and Computer Science Department,
"Vasile Alecsandri" University, Bacău,
Romania Abstract: This paper presents a new method of increasing the speed of data acquisition for analog-digital converter of PIC microcontrollers. This method can be used to applications that do not work in real time. The paper describes the principle of the method, the design and the testing activities. Performances depend on the quality and the performances of the used components. The experiments show good results for control of variable reluctance stepper motors. Key words: microcontroller, analog to digital conversion, conversion time, sampling rate, software.
Radek HAVLIK1,*,
Christophe VARNIER2, Alena GOTTWALDOVA3, Noureddine ZERHOUNI4,
Frantisek MANLIG5 1) Assistant Professor, M.Sc., Department of manufacturing systems,
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic 2) Associate Professor, PhD, Department Automatic and Micro-Mechatronic
Systems, FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France 3) Student, M.Sc., Department of manufacturing systems, Technical
University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic 4) Professor, PhD, Department Automatic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems,
FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France 5) Associate Professor, PhD, Department of manufacturing systems, Technical
University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic Abstract: This article deals with a database model created by
computer simulation using Witness® software. The database model was conceived
as an e-maintenance system module and can be easily interconnected with any
system. The database model is used to support scheduling or human resource
management during the course of centralized planning maintenance. Maintenance
with centralized human control is favourable for companies supplying
expensive and special technologies (e.g. manufactures of machine tools) or
for international companies having several locations in different parts of
the world (e.g. the automotive industry).
The aim is to improve the efficiency of maintenance workers and thus
ensure lower prices, quick re-planning, and decrease travel costs,
accommodation costs, etc.. Random failures and
non-expected phenomena are also considered. Random situations or alternatives
can be simulated before they actually occur. Key words: e-maintenance, multi-criteria function, simulation.
Valerian SALFELD1,*, Richard KRIMM2, Thorsten MATTHIAS3, Bernd-Arno BEHRENS4 1) PhD, Eng, Research assistant, metal forming machines, Institute of
metal forming and metal forming machines, Garbsen, Germany 2) PhD, Eng, Head of department, metal forming machines, Institute of
metal forming and metal forming machines, Garbsen, Germany 3) M.Sc., Research assistant, numerical methods, Institute of metal
forming and metal forming machines, Garbsen, Germany 4) Professor, PhD, Eng, Director, Institute of metal forming and metal
forming machines, Garbsen, Germany Abstract: Although the interaction between the forming machine and process affects the quality of the finished part significantly, the machine influence is usually ignored in the analysis of the forming process with the Finite-Element-Method. This contribution focuses on this interaction regarding the process of sheet-bulk metal forming. In order to represent the machine characteristics, a hybrid multi-body model of an experimental press has been developed. This model takes into account the machine kinematics and dynamics as well as the elasticity of the press components. In order to validate the machine model the displacement of the press components under load have been determined by means of optical measuring systems. The required three-axial load profiles have been provided by a new developed load device. Key words: sheet-bulk metal forming, interaction, load device, stiffness.
NOVAK-MARCINCIN1,*, Jozef BARNA2 1) PhD, Eng, Professor, Department of Manufacturing Technologies,
Technical University of Kosice, Presov, Slovakia 2) Eng, PhD Student, Department of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical
University of Kosice, Presov, Slovakia Abstract: Virtual
reality (VR) has emerged as a major new technology in recent years. An
important new concept introduced by many VR systems is immersion, which
refers to the feeling of complete immersion in a three-dimensional
computer-generated environment by means of user-centred perspective achieved
through tracking the user. This is a huge step forward compared to classical
modelling and CAD/CAM packages, which inherently impose major imitations on
intuitive user interaction. Lately, with the emergence of complementary areas
of VR such as augmented reality (AR), one can address crucial problems of
registration between virtual and real worlds. Key words: augmented reality, virtual reality, applications of augmented reality.
Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract: In this paper some path
planning algorithms are describe for Hydro-MiNa robot motions in micro and
nano technological environments. This is a part of a project for creation of
human-machine interface with force feedback for handling of micro and nano
objects. The main purpose of path planning algorithms using here is to
increase the ability of the tele-operator to rich its targets at the stage
operating by the robot Hydro-MiNa. Due to very small sizes of the
investigated objects the exact operator actions are with full significant for
decreasing the mistakes and improving the speed and accuracy of the
operations. To reach the solution of path planning task the Voronoi Diagrams
method is utilized because although it is very old and well known algorithm
it has been proven itself as a very effective one. This method is combined
with A-Star algorithm for searching the shortest path from current operator
position to the object and optimize it in order to avoid most obstacles
occurred on the stage. Key words: path planning, Voronoi’s diagram, planning algorithms, virtual reality, micro/nano robot.
increased Rigidity SOLUTIONS FOR C-frame MECHANICAL PRESSES Romeo CIOARĂ1,*, Ioan DAN 2 1) PhD, Eng., Professor, Economic Engineering and Production Systems
Department, Transilvania University of Brașov, Braşov,
Romania 2) Abstract: In the framework of
sustainable development, reducing energy consumption and increasing energy
efficiency are prime targets. Reducing the machine tools’ operating power
consumption fits into this context. In what presses are concerned, the
rigidity increment results in the decrement of the C-frame’s elastic
deformation and thus the energy consumption is reduced. This paper presents,
in summary, some constructive solutions developed by the authors concerning
the rigidity increment of casted C-frames, and some results of their behavior
obtained by FEA. Key words: C-frame, rigidity, ribs, pre-stressing, sustainable development, FEA.
TOOLS TECHNOLOGY Dan POPESCU1,* 1) PhD Student, Department of Electrotechnics,
University of Craiova, Romania
Abstract: Numerical controls have a
great role in increasing the efficiency of the electric drive of the machine
tool, thus in the energy saving. Measurements were done for two of those (one
equipped with numerical control and a converter for the asynchronous motor of the main drive, and another with
no numerical control and with a converter for the D.C. motors of the main
drive). Measurements were done using a kit which was specialized in
acquiring and handling energetic data. This project presents the diagrams resulted from the measurements in a
comparative study. The monitored parameters were the following: actual values
of voltage and currents during the three phases, the content of harmonics, or
the frequency spectrum for all three phases, the frequency of the feeding
voltage, active and reactive power, energy, and the power factor. Key words: numerical controls, active and reactive power, energy, converter.
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