ISSN 2343–7472 ISSN-L 2067–9238 |
□ Volume 8, Issue 3, 2013
Contents · Christian BRECHER, Tobias
BREITBACH, Frédéric du BOIS-REYMOND Qualifying laser-integrated machine tools with
multiple workspace
for machining
precision Opportunities to reduce operating expenses in
industrial enterprises · Andreas
WOLFSCHLUCKNER, Dirk JODIN, Modelling cable dynamics exemplified by load
transposition of insulator strings in overhead lines · George ANDREADIS,
George KASSELAKIS, A vertical system for ordering, customization and
automated design of mechanical products · Gabriel FRUMUŞANU, Silviu BERBINSCHI, Nicolae
OANCEA, Cylindrical surfaces enwrapping helical surfaces rack-tool versus planning tool · Susanne
ALTENDORFER, Helmut ZSIFKOVITS, A model-driven engineering approach for production
systems illustrated on an automotive test case · Radu-Eugen
BREAZ, Cristina-Maria BIRIS, Octavian Constantin BOLOGA, Sorin TÎRNOVEAN, Studying the behavior of CNC laser cutting machines
in the contouring regime · Karel
OTOUPALÍK, Machining of hardened bearing steels · Adriana
MUNTEANU, Laurenţiu SLATINEANU, Cristian CONSTANTINESCU, Reverse engineering for
drills reconditioning device · Pavlina
TOTEVA, Dimka VASILEVA, Tasks in planning of quality inspection
MULTIPLE WORKSPACE FOR MACHINING PRECISION 1) Prof. Dr.-Ing., Professor, Laboratory for Machine Tools and
Production Engineering Aachen University, Germany 2) Dipl.-Ing. IWE M. Eng., Research Assistant, Laboratory for Machine
Tools and Production Engineering Aachen University, Germany 3) Dipl.-Ing., Research Assistant, Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering Aachen University, Germany Abstract:
TProduction of
complex components requires different production sequences. Especially in the
mold and die production, heat treatment, hardening or deposition welding are
required. Additional processing systems can be combined in one machine in
order to reduce logistical effort in the production of such components.
Machine concepts offering these options pose new challenges for the maintenance
of machining accuracy. The presented research examines different aspects
concerning operation accuracy of a machining center with two workspaces and
an integrated industrial robot. Potential loss of accuracy is analyzed and
experimental results of the most important influences are discussed.
Interactions between the workspaces, basically resulting from simultaneous
processing, are focused. Key
words: integrated
machine tools, laser integration, machining precision, thermal impact,
mechanical interactions, and qualification. IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES Catalin GHEORGHE Abstract:Many
specialty papers introduce the issue of costs and processes to reduce them.
However, they do not specify the circumstances in which it is compulsory to
reduce expenditure and those where this goal is optional. Also, there is not
a logical sequence of reducing expenditure and a minimum value of the costs,
below which they cannot be reduced without affecting the activity of the
company. Based on these theoretical elements, this paper focuses mainly on
reducing expenditure in an industrial enterprise. The paper is circumscribed
to private legal entities, irrespective of their capital membership, size or
scope of activity undertaken. Thus, the author aims to determine the
situations in which decreasing the costs is compulsory, as well as to
identify a methodology to reduce them by analyzing the main operational
expense categories. Also is established a methodology to reduce costs by analyzing
expenditure categories that have a large share in total expenditure and
highlights the practical possibilities of materializing them. For this
purpose there are theoretical and practical elements necessary to detach
conclusions and supporting scientific endeavor. To illustrate the scientific
enterprise is considered a data structure of an industrial enterprise. With
it are identified categories of expenditure that can be reduced to improve
the activity. Key
words: operating expenses, enterprise, industrial,
WOLFSCHLUCKNER, Dirk JODIN, 1) DI, PhD candidate, TU Graz, Institute for Logistics Engineering ITL,
Graz, Austria 2) Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., head of institute, TU Graz, Institute
for Logistics Engineering ITL, Graz, Austria Key words: cable
dynamics, load transposition, equation of vibrating string, FEM, overhead line,
insulator string, sag flat cable. A VERTICAL SYSTEM FOR ORDERING, CUSTOMIZATION AND AUTOMATED DESIGN OF MECHANICAL PRODUCTS George ANDREADIS, George KASSELAKIS 1) Ass. Prof., Mechanical Eng. Dpt, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki,
Greece 2) World Economic Forum – Global Shapers, Athens, Greece
Abstract: The explosive growth of the Web and the maturity of the CAD
technologies lead most of the leading construction companies to incorporate
online customer services into their business agenda. Such services include
limited online product customization, preview in the form of CAD files,
pricing and ordering. The availability of these services assumes the
existence of a communication flow among customers, designers and construction
lines where the human factor still plays the leading role while automation is
limited. In this context we present a generalized service oriented
architecture that models a workflow which binds together all the factors of
such communication flow. More specifically, we examine the challenges and
implement an online decentralized ordering system that enables high product
customization, fully automatic product design and price estimation. In order
to meet the above challenges we design and implement a system for ordering,
customization and automatic design of hydraulic elevator. The primary
contributions of this work are: a) the introduction of a Web service oriented
decentralized architecture that can be extended to support any kind of
mechanical product, b) the implementation of a system that bridges the
ordering phase and the designing phase and c) the activation of an automated
design of highly customizable products, reducing effectively the human factor
in terms of product designing. Key words: ordering,
customization, automated design, CAD, expert rules. CYLINDRICAL
SURFACES ENWRAPPING HELICAL SURFACES Gabriel FRUMUŞANU, Silviu BERBINSCHI, Nicolae OANCEA 1) Prof., Manufacturing Engineering Department, “Dunărea de Jos”
University, 2) PhD, Machine Elements & Graphics Department, “Dunărea de
Jos” University, 3)Prof., Manufacturing Engineering Department, “Dunărea de Jos”
University, Abstract: Whirls of
helical surfaces can be generated by enwrapping, within rolling method, by using
rack-tools, or by planing, with tools having cylindrical surfaces. In this
paper, we present comparatively two methodologies that can be used in
profiling a cylindrical tool reciprocal enwrapped to a cylindrical helical
surface with constant pitch: the Rack-tool method, for generating frontal
profiles of the helical surface and the Contact line method, for profiling
the cylindrical (planing) tool to generate helical slots. The identity
between the two mentioned methods is proven by numerical examples. Therefore,
the use of a simpler method (plane enwrapping) becomes possible to solve
spatial enwrapping problems, and the computational volume substantially
reduces, by transforming a 3-D enwrapping problem in a plane one. At the same
time, the soft applications required by solving such a problem become simpler. Key words:
helical surface, enwrapping, rack-tool, planing tool, circular
PRODUCTION SYSTEMS 1) Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr. techn., Montanuniversitaet Leoben,
Industrial Logistics, Leoben, Austria 2) Univ.-Prof. Dr., Head of Institute, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Industrial Logistics, Leoben, Austria Abstract:
Traditional organizational structures typically impede lean and
flexible structures to cope with changing requirements and create barriers in
and between enterprises along the value chain. New approaches to managing
intra- and inter-enterprise processes – ranging from product development to
manufacturing and delivery to the customer – have to be found. Innovative
product engineering methods like concurrent and virtual engineering are on
the rise within industrial practice, especially in the automotive and
aerospace industry. This paper analyses different engineering approaches and
explains a model-based engineering (MBE) approach in detail. MBE is presented
as powerful method for the virtualization of complex automation systems (so
called test facility systems) in the automotive industry. Starting with an
analysis of the current situation the paper sketches the new approach and
explains the underlying software modeling. At the end it concludes with the
results of the new approach and the advantages for the company’s process
chain in general and for the product development and manufacturing in
particular. Virtual Engineering is here the key for streamlining the
processes and improving quality and lead times in the manufacturing process Key words: material flow, information flow, manufacturing, product development, concurrent engineering, virtual engineering, workflow systems, process optimisation STUDYING THE BEHAVIOR OF CNC LASER CUTTING MACHINES IN THE CONTOURING REGIME
BREAZ, Cristina-Maria BIRIS, Octavian Constantin BOLOGA, Sorin TÎRNOVEAN
1, 3) Prof., PhD, Department of
Industrial Machines and Equipments, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu,
Sibiu, Romania 2) Ass. Prof., PhD, Department of
Industrial Machines and Equipments, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu,
Sibiu, Romania 4) PhD Student, Department of Industrial Machines and
Equipments, “Lucian Blaga” Abstract:The paper presents a set
of modeling and simulation tools which were developed by the authors in order
to allow the users of CNC laser cutting machines to study and improve the
machine dynamics and accuracy. The approach is based upon a Marlab &
Simulink model of the feed drives of the machine, but it also takes into
consideration the kinematic inputs (position, velocity and acceleration) and,
furthermore, some experimental work was performed. The main target of this
approach was to offer a set of straight-forward, yet reliable solutions which
may be implemented at the workshop level. A mathematical model of the
circular interpolation process was implemented in Matlab & Simulink
software package and a diagram for generating the reference inputs was built
and integrated in the general model of the feed drives of the machine. The
numerical character of generating the kinematic inputs was also introduced in
the model, by means of the sampling period. DC servomotors were considered as
actuation devices for the feed drives. Experimental researches were also
performed in order to validate the proposed set of tools. A number of parts
were processed on an industrial laser cutting machine, using the proposed
control strategies and their accuracy was assessed. Key words:
interpolation; contouring; CNC machine-tools; modeling; motion control;
OTOUPALÍK 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( Abstract:The paper
deals with the issues of machining by finishing turning of hardened materials
in the production of bearing rings. In this area, grinding is mainly used as
standard technology. It is a demanding production process requiring precision
machinery and optimally set technology. Under these conditions, the
mass-production can offer components with prescribed degrees of accuracy in
the tolerance level from IT 4 to IT 5 and with the arithmetical mean
deviation of the profile in the range between Ra = 0.4 and Ra = 0.8. For
these conditions, there has been a long search for alternative technology
that would ensure the same required values with simpler demands on
manufacturing process. One of the developmental paths was focused on turning
with the use of advanced cutting materials for machine tools. It is primarily
the use of cubic boron nitride (CBN). A cheaper and more affordable option is
also the application of cemented carbide of group H. This carbide is intended
primarily for finishing machining of the materials difficult to machine.
Regarding the tool geometry, either the classic variant with radius edge or
the Wiper variant can be used. On the world market, reputable companies offer
these materials in the form of replaceable inserts; nevertheless their
application for machining of e.g. hardened materials also depends on other
decisive factors. As shown in performed and evaluated practical experiments,
it is not easy to determine the initial conditions. The experience gained
from this area is the subject of this article. Key words:
material, bearing ring, machining, turning, replaceable insert,
1) Lecturer, PhD, Department of Machining Tools, ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, Romania 2) Prof., PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Engineering,
”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
of Iaşi, Romania 3) Prof., PhD, Department of Machining Tools,
”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
of Iaşi, Romania Abstract: The reverse
engineering is considered as a discovery process and, at the same time, a
creative process. Essentially, the reverse engineering supposes the detailed
analysis of an existing equipment, in order to subsequently develop another
new or improved equipment. The reverse engineering could be applied both in
information technology and in the design of the mechanical equipments. Along
the time, the researchers highlighted the conditions in which the reverse
engineering could be applied. Taking into consideration the existence of a
device for grinding valves, the problem of design a device for sharpening
small diameter drills was formulated. Initially, certain machining schemas
valid in the case of sharpening drills were examined. Some of the principles
specific to the reverse engineering were discussed and applied in the case of
the device for sharpening small diameter drills. Graphical representations
were elaborated, in order to highlight the characteristics of applying
reverse engineering. In this way, some solutions for changing the structure
of the initial device were identified and a device able to ensure the
conditions for sharpening small diameter drills was designed. The solving of
the problem was possible by means of a cam which could facilitate the
achieving of the necessary rectilinear alternative motion in the frontal
plane of the grinding wheel. Key words:
drill, sharpening schemas, grinding process, reverse engineering,
1) Lecturer, PhD, Department of Machining Tools, ”Gheorghe Asachi”
Technical University of Iaşi,
Romania 2) Prof., PhD, Department of Machine Manufacturing Engineering,
”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
of Iaşi, Romania 3) Prof., PhD, Department of Machining Tools,
”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
of Iaşi, Romania Abstract: Quality
inspection is a necessary element of the quality management systems. The
analysis of quality conditions is impossible without inspection. Therefore,
parallel to the elaboration of methods for fast planning of production
processes, methods for optimum planning of the quality inspection must be
ensured. A precondition for increasing the quality and determining costs for
quality are the inspection plans and the manufacturing plans. Because of the
imperfection of inspection plans, fit products may fall into unfit and vice
versa, which leads to major losses. Unfounded ,the reasons for high costs for
inspections are – the lack of regulations, that solves problems with the
inspection, insufficient qualification of the personnel, responsible for
quality inspection, incorrect selection of inspection instruments,
insufficient applying of progressive
methods and means for inspection and lack of unified terminology. The purpose
of this paper is to make parallel between the manufacturing plans and the
inspection plans and to create algorithm for inspection planning, which
include assessment of the necessity of inspection, inspection type, defining
the AQL (acceptable quality level) and determining the inspection scope (batch
size). In the paper are presented current problems with the
planning of quality inspection, such as selection of inspection
characteristics and defining the scope of inspection, selection of inspection
instruments, inspection points and stages, time for inspection and processing
of results obtained for each inspection characteristic and the issues for
future studies are identified. Key words: quality, inspection, planning, inspection instruments, inspection plan, manufacturing plan, inspection characteristics. Electronic mail: orgcom@icmas.eu / |